My kids dance update (totally OT for those that care)

  • So my kids had a dance festival all last week... from Saturday to Friday.

    The results are as such.

    Olivia (she's 6.5)
    Ballet Solo- third
    Song and dance solo- FIRST
    Ballet group- second
    Music interpretation- fourth

    Madeline (she's 8.5)
    Ballet solo- second
    Variety solo- FIRST
    Jazz solo- second
    Music interpretation- fifth
    Ballet group- first
    Jazz group- third
    Variety ground- second
    Small hip hop group-second

    They both did awesome!!!! As well my 6.5 year old won a dance scholarship for "dancer with most potential!" out of 300+ dancers.

    So it was an awesome week.
  • There's nothing better than seeing your children find success through hard work, is there? Glad your long week was a good one!
  • congrats to your daughters - I'm sure they find you hard work inspiring, and put their own hearts and hard work into their dance.
  • Hurray!

    I have to chuckle though, to this day, my Mom still blames my Da for my complete and utter lack of grace. He didn't want me taking dance lessons. To this day, I am the biggest clutz known to man. My Mom seems to think that dance lessons could have saved me from myself.
  • Wow! That's awesome! I think that activites like that definitely build confidence in kids that they take with them for life. Enjoy the celebrations with the cutie pies!
  • Yay! how awesome for them and their proud mama!!
  • It's so cool that they both placed in a variety of categories and that they BOTH have a first place so they can celebrate together.
  • Congrats to them. Enjoy the celebration. And welcome back!