Binge-free challenge ~ Mar. 15 - 21

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  • Hi everyone!! Welcome to the binge free challenge!! You can come in here and post your weekly successes and struggles and keep track of your binge free days. You can also vent about anything and everything you feel like getting out. We are here to share our feelings and to encourage and inspire each other. No negativity! We are strong chicks and I KNOW we all can do this!! And we don't have to do it alone, we have each other to get us through the rough times.

    ALL chicks are welcome -- no one is excluded! If you are trying to lose weight, not trying, maintaining, recovering from an eating disorder, in the midst of one, or have ANY kind of problem with food, we would love to have you join us!!

    Let's have an awesome week!!
  • Good morning chickies!!! I'm in, hoping to come through this crazy week of exams with flying colors!!

  • I'm on day 8! Here's to this week being as awesome as the last!
  • Day 29! Last night was a little difficult. I just wanted to eat, eat, eat and I was already where I wanted to be calorie-wise, so I just went to bed! I'm soooo glad I did!
  • Congrats Ladies!!!

    Earning day 79 myself... and had a HUGE victory this weekend - threw a party for my BF and there was healthy chicken parmesan (made by yours-truly) and then cheesecake and carrot cake (two of my favs) and i managed to keep leftovers for the next day for my "treat" and didnt binge, didnt feel guilty and totally stayed on plan!!!

    Have I turned a corner? is this actually habit now to not binge? can we ever actually say we are 'cured' ?

    Lets rock another week together!
  • This is day 35!
  • Day 16!

    I have had a planned treat day mixed in there, but no B or unplanned/emotional eating.
  • Working on Day 5! Have a good week everyone!
  • I'm new to the site and would love to join! You guys are so inspiring!
  • I'm seriously in trouble guys; I keep saying I'll start over; tomorrow's another day, but I never seem to get past day one. Also, I thought I wouldn't have an opportunity to binge in my new job like I had in my previous job, but that's a farse. A truly dedicated binger can always find a time and place. I've got to get OP or I'm going to EXPLODE. Ugh.

    Oh, so the short story is I'm on Day 1 tomorrow.
  • This is day 43 for me... wow. that's a long time.
    Everyone else - stay strong, we can DO THIS!!
  • thinkthin - i am sorry you are struggling... i really hope day 1 is successful!!! wishing you all the best!!!
  • I have not hung around this section of the forum but I definantly need to start, as I have been a binge eater in the past and its all too easy to fall off the wagon again (as I have done many days)

    I guess I'll have to start with day one today though, so I can have a number of accountability.
  • Hey ladies.... first post here. I am new to this site and tryin like **** to lose about 40lbs that crept its way onto my hips, thighs and already not flattened belly. However as a full time student and stay at home mom and wife my activity level sucks and I wanna scream!!! GRR. So I bought a bike, and I ride it with my 7 yr old son. I bought that HcG stuff and am on day 2 of that eat yourself crap, dear God thats hard to eat everything you see, when if you look at a pic of a cupcake you gain weight. So now the 500 calorie days start and with 5 kids and a hubby that love carbs this will be a challenge!!! So TY for being my new friends- You are all beautiful strong women and I applaud you!
  • Welcome to all the newbies! I hope y'all find as much inspiration in this thread as I have! See ya in the morning to post my Day #!