Seriously ...

  • I would kill for some frigging sugar right now in the form of a sweet bakery treat. My favourite kind of treat. I would also kill for bread. But these things are my binge triggers - I know from a lot of past experience that I just plain shouldn't be eating them, and that I am most successful at my weight loss when they are absent from my diet 98% of the time.

    I'm only on my second or third day of trying to get back on track, and its killing me not to grab a brownie or fudge square thingy or whatever! Gah!

    I woke up this morning, put on a dress and I have been feeling so huge in it all day ... I don't want to feel like this anymore. I want to feel fit and comfortable. I have to hold onto that feeling.
  • Don't worry--if you stick to your guns your cravings will greatly lessen---just stick to your guns girl--stick to your guns! Nothing tastes so good that it is worth making you feel the way you do today.
  • A cup of hot tea with a sweetner might do the trick. Good Luck! You can do this.
  • Stay strong. Stay strong. Stay strong. RESIST. Allow your wants, desires and cravings for those foods to fade away. Don't give in. Stick it out. Work past the discomfort. It's temporary AND there's a pay off headed your way. One your wants for them WILL diminish and two - you will be slim, trim, fit, healthy and feeling FABULOUS.

    Use lots of self talk. Drink cold water. Hot tea. Keep yourself busy. Clean toilets, do jumping jacks, read, write, compute, run in circles. WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO DO. You CAN do this. You've got the ability, you've got the power. Ride it out - and reap the rewards.
  • The 2nd and 3rd day are always the hardest for me. I'm mean the withdrawal is almost deadly , (in mental anxious feelings, not in physical reality...). If you can tough it out you will feel much better in a few days. If you give in, you will have to eventually face it over and over if you ever want to lose weight. Just breath deep, and like everyone suggested get your mind on something else. As Robin That is exactly what I did at the beginning. I had the cleanest house in the county. Unfortunately for me, the sugar beast rears it ugly head too often, and I have to be very cautious of triggers. It seems they are everywhere.
  • Thanks so much for the support you guys!

    Unfortunately, I'm at work right now, which is partly why it is so difficult for me to focus on anything other than food - once 2pm hits, my concentration plummets big time.

    I had a ton of water, did some reading, but I kept feeling really hungry and then got a headache. I decided to grab a coffee with a co-worker. I also grabbed an all-natural nut bar (cashews, honey, orangeblossom water - no other ingredients). The honey in it isn't ideal for me, but I can tolerate it in combination with the right amount of fat and protein - and now, I feel satisfied.

    Lesson for tomorrow -have enugh snacks on hand at work!
  • Aww ... the handsomest guy in the office (at least, in my opinion) just told me I look "spiffy" today That's a lovely boost to the good ol' ego!
  • get the jell-o sugar free desserts...they are AWESOME! the jell-o has a total of 10 calories and the pudding has 65. totally kills those sweet cravings. i love the dark chocolate flavor....mmmmmmmm
  • Over the weekend I literally took a dozen cookies that my mother-in-law made for me (why???) on a visit...had one in front of her, and literally threw the rest in the trash on my way home.

    Harsh but the only option I've found that works for me. Out of sight out of mind. I have a much harder time controlling cravings when there are those types of options handy.

    I've been digging those crystal light popsicles recently.