Attention: Lori Bell

  • Just wanted to say happy March forth- I saw the date today on the calendar & I smiled and thought of you today & said it's Lori Bell day... (a true calendar girl! )
    ~ Wendalyn
  • I sent Lori Bell a PM this morning saying just the same thing...the date has new meaning, now!
  • I thought of Lori's story today too! Such an inspiration!
  • Today is my boyfriend's birthday, so I had to tell him the story of Lori Bell and "March Forth".
  • Lori Bell~ You are A true Hero! I adore you girl!
  • LoriBell thank you for posting. I enjoy reading your thoughts very much.
  • ditto
  • LoriBell, you are an inspiration around here! I love your common sense posts! I'm a day late, but I love your March Forth story too.
  • Thank you ALL so much! It was a wonderful day actually. It was sunny and warm, and loads of snow melted. I got out and did a little yard work, and painted my fingernails green. My husband brought me beautiful flowers and I got a call from my sister who I adore. And of course you all! Warm wishes and constant support.

    I had a dream last night that I started smoking and drinking again. It was TERRIBLE. When I woke up I had a stuffy nose and a tight chest...ugh. I have binge dreams at least once a month, but I've never had a smoking/drinking dream. It sucked. Funny how the mind works. lol

    Thanks again for the warm wishes. It feels really good.
  • Hey Lori Bell!

    Your dream musta had somethin' to do with the "fifth."

    Those drinking dreams, yeah, they scare the holy s*** right out of me. I'm always so glad when I wake up and it isn't true.

    Cheers, gal! (Raising diet cola glass)

  • Quote: Hey Lori Bell!

    Your dream musta had somethin' to do with the "fifth."

    Those drinking dreams, yeah, they scare the holy s*** right out of me. I'm always so glad when I wake up and it isn't true.

    Cheers, gal! (Raising diet cola glass)

    Aww, that was FUNNY! I seriously laughed out loud!
  • I thought about you yesterday too! I cried when I read your story. Glad you had a great day.