Smoothies Anyone?

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  • In an effort to try more smoothies please share some recipes with us. I'm a newb at smoothies so I don't have any, but would like some really basic yummy, and of course healthy ones! Thanks everyone!
  • I love smoothies.

    1 cup of juice (I use acai or apple juice)
    6oz frozen fruit (if you use frozen fruit, you do not need ice, at times I also add fresh baby spinach or frozen broccoli, about 2oz)

    180 calories

    After my workout I will have my smoothie with a scoop of Whey protein.
  • I have a smoothie for breakfast. 1 cup Strawberries, water and a scoop of protein. 145 Calories.
  • Are you talking blender or juicer?

    Either way, here's the motherload of combos.

    Def check it out from library or visit a bookstore to flip through it.

  • 1 cup strawberries
    1 banana
    1 seedless orange, peeled
    5 ice cubes
    1 chopped date

    Whirl it up! If it's too thick, add 1/2 cup of orange juice, or a little almond milk. It's also good to mix up the berries with blueberries and raspberries.
  • ive been drinking the yoplait frozen smoothies they are pretty good and easy .. all you do is add low fat milk to it and blend it in the blender!!
  • Thanks ladies! Keep em coming! I've heard of some ppl using vanilla yogart in place of milk or water. Do they come out as smooth as using milk or soymilk?
  • Quote: Thanks ladies! Keep em coming! I've heard of some ppl using vanilla yogart in place of milk or water. Do they come out as smooth as using milk or soymilk?
    Even smoother! Yogurt smoothies are my fav. I just use plain yogurt and frozen berries. Banana really adds to the creaminess. And, you can use whatever liquid you want to thin it out enough for it to blend smoothly....even a little water to save on calories.
  • Smoothies are huge in our house. I do alot of driving during the week for school and toss all the ingredients in the blender/cup the night before and toss it in freezer.
    1 yogurt, whatever flavour you like, or none at all
    complement fruit, we like berries, all of them, so generally a handful of these
    1 tbsp flaxseed
    1 tbsp wheat germ
    1 tbsp peach flavoured fish oil

    then in the am i spin it around a few times and if i need to, i add some liquid, water, juice or v8 just to thin it out. I bought a $15 travel smoothie maker from Wal-Mart becase you just remove the blend lid and add a travel lid and it fits my cup holder. It also keeps me from stopping at starbucks on the way to class.
  • I have a couple favorites (I make these in my magic bullet):

    Mocha Coffee
    Light Vanilla Soymilk (or regular milk - depending on what I have)
    1 scoop protein powder
    1 tablespoon instant coffee
    1 tablespoon SF Suisse Mocha coffee mix
    1/2 tablespoon SF FF Chocolate Pudding mix

    Tropical Smoothie
    Light Vanilla Soymilk (or regular milk - depending on what I have)
    about half a cup Frozen fruit mix (peaches, strawberries, mango, etc.)
    Scoop of protein powder
    1 tsp of sugar free orange jello mix

    I have done this with frozen strawberries and added Cheesecake SF pudding mix - taste like strawberry cheesecake. Other combinations: Strawberries with Banana cream pudding mix; Vanilla Soymilk, vanilla protein powder with orange jello mix and ice. The combinations are endless. With the jello mix I usually use about a teaspoon and with the pudding mix it's about 1/2 tablespoon. You can adjust the measurements according to your tastes.
  • We keep our vitamix busy with smoothies.

    My Favorite a Mounds Shake

    1 banana (frozen)
    almond milk (1/4 cup)
    1tbsp cocoa or to taste (the plain kind like you use for cooking)
    1tbsp unsweeted coconut
    2 cups fresh spinach
    1/4 cup blueberries

    It changes with what we have but I love chocolate smoothies and hiding greens in it helps the bulk without too many calories. I also keep mine very think and eat it with a spoon so you would need more liquid if you actually want to drink it.
  • I use vanilla or plain yogurt in addition to milk, also usually use a little ice. I throw in fresh banana, whatever frozen fruit I have on hand. My favorite is pineapple, mango, peach, dark cherry, a couple of strawberries or blueberries depending on mood.

    ETA - I also use protein powder most of the time, too.
  • I thought you'd never ask....Skim milk, or soy milk, a bosc pear and some fresh ginger and ice....YUMMY!
  • I love smoothies also

    I use a cup of vanilla soy milk w/ice and any fruit usually stawberry and blend

    Another way is to use FF yogurt and fruit along with ice.....they all taste pretty good!!!!!
  • These are all great, can we add this to the recipe folder?