Let's Welcome CyndiM, our new SBD Mod!

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  • I'm very pleased to announce that Cyndi is going to join Ruth and I as a new moderator in our forum!
  • WOOHOOO Cyndi you will be an awesome mod!!!!

  • Welcome Cyndi. It's going to great.
  • Congratulations!!! I'll try to act right.
  • Congrats, Cyndi! (I think). You will be a great mod. Our mods are the best!
  • Yes ... but she still doesn't get dibs on the cabana boys! Looking forward to working with Cyndi.
  • Now Ruth...You have to share the cabana boys!!!

  • Super!!!
  • Great news! Cyndi I love all your posts and especially how inventive you are with your meals.

  • That's great news! Congratulations Cyndi!
    And thank you for being willing to put the time and work in!
  • Ditto Heidi!
  • Yea, Cyndi!!! Thanks so much for volunteering your time!!
    We all appreciate it!!!! Smaaaack!!!
  • Cyndi, you're such a great beacher and source of info to all, especially your menus! I can always depend on you for SB help.
  • Congrats, Cyndi!
  • There's work involved? Darn, I thought I just got the cool green name

    Seriously though, I was so honored to be asked. This forum means more to me than I will ever be able to adequately express. My life is different and far better than I ever dreamed it could be. Sticking with SB, making the changes I needed to make have made all the difference and I'm not sure I could have done that without you Chicks around here. Actually based on previous experience I'm pretty sure I couldn't have. Some days it seems like my whole world wants to drag me back to the me they knew. All the offers of food, "helpful" advice, and little comments; walking into coffee shops filled with baked goods; days I get frustrated because the weight won't drop or I don't feel like exercising all leave me feeling like I'm the only person in the world dealing with this. Then I come here and that just lifts. Most days I don't have to say a word, just knowing I'm not alone makes a difference. Your advice, support, and kicks in the butt give me just what I need to keep moving in the right direction.

    Thank you all for the welcome and thanks to Cottage and Ruth for giving me a chance to give something back