DH coming home to a smaller me

  • My husband has been away on business for a month! A month!! I didn't mention it online because I just don't think that's wise. But he's coming home today, if the weather holds up. NYC is expecting a few feet today, apparently, and that could delay his flight. Fingers crossed! (toes too)

    I have lost about 8 lbs since he was last home and inches too. I know I'm wearing a size smaller than when I saw him last. He knows I was on a plateau as he was leaving, but he does not know I broke it.

    I can not wait to pick him up. Single mothering is for the birds! I feel for all the single moms out there, including the moms who's husbands serve our country. You are all heroes!
  • I could agree with you more on the single parents of our service men and women.

    Your husband is going to be so proud of all you've accomplished in the month!
  • I'm a single mother with financial backing lol (aka has a husband that travels for work...first deployment as a Marine & now he inspects ships with a private company. He travels 6-8 months out of the year, blah)

    I totally understand how you feel! I loved surprising my DH with my weight loss when he'd come off of a long trip

    have fun surprising him!!
  • That's great! I'm sure he'll be very happy for you... let us know how it goes!
  • What a wonderful accomplishment for you! And a terrific pleasant surprise for him!!
  • that should be a very fun surprise, enjoy!!!!

    (but I will say being a single mom isn't so bad IMO. Yes, I do all the work, but I also get all the love, so it balances out!)
  • Wonderful! I know my husband will be so excited when I drop a size.
  • How exciting! I bet he'll be so proud of you.
  • I too have a husband that works away! He was so impressed when he came back home! Go youuuu!
  • I am sure he will be super happy for you when he gets home!
    Bow chicka wow wow
    Congrats! Be sure and let us know his reaction
  • That is really nice, Eliana. You must be so excited.
  • That has to feel pretty good and he's sure to be very proud of you! Enjoy your time together!
  • Yay Eliana! Have fun

    BTW: LOVE the new avatar...CONGRATS on your success!
  • Congrats! Should be a lovely reunion!