Has anyone done a program using hcg injections?

  • Hello all! I'm new to the forums here and hope I can find some peple to be able to talk with and share my journey with. It's hard to get support from people i talk with every day that don't really understand what I'm going through...

    I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis this past summer after having hypothyroidism for the past 5 years. Needless to say, I've gained a lot of weight :-( . I have tried everything under the sun to lose this weight after I got my thyroid levels normalized I still haven't been able to lose, but atleast I've stopped gaining.

    Recently I went through a consultation for the WeightNot program with Reveal MedSpa in Northern Virginia. I asked a ton of questions and actually spoke with a client of thiers doing the program and everything seems like it'll work wonders for me. I also looked online for other people's stories using the hcg injections and it's very limited. All of the negative speculation posts I've seen are all from people who have never done it so I won't listen to information from people trying to downtalk something they have never tried...

    So if anyone has done it, I'd like to hear from you: negatives and positives!!! I am waiting on lab paperwork to come in the mail to get my initial bloodwork to check my blood values and such before being officially accepted into the program to get started.

    Thanks in advance!!
  • Here's the issue.

    All plans that inject HCG do so for one purpose - to reduce appetite so much that people can subsist on a shockingly low number of calories...usually 400-600 a day. Which is, flat out, unhealthy.

    As such, 3FC does not support plans that include HCG injections. Please see our Support Policy here.
