I avoided food that I enjoy....

  • I avoided some food today that I would usually binge on. I really want to make it through a day avoiding those types of food, as I know the longer I don't eat them, the better I get about sticking with healthier eating choices.

    I also feel like if I had eaten like I usually do, the usual people would have been looking at my plate with disgust.

    I am sooo happy! I think that if I can make it through today without eating that way, then I can do it for longer periods and really get into eating healthier and being able to watch my portions better.

    I am also going to ease up on the sugary drinks. I looked at what I ate when I lost weight before, and I tended to eat more protein than carbs. And now, I can see that it is the sugary drinks that really mess up the balance protein to carbs.
  • Good for you! Congratulations! That's no small task, I know. Keep it up!
  • Awesome for you! I know how hard it is! You rock!
  • thank you for your support. it was really hard avoiding those trigger foods, plus there was the added stress of feeling like certain people were watching what i put on my plate. but i avoided eating it and I feel so good!
  • Wish me luck on day 2. I am feeling empowered, and I don't know where that is coming from, but I really like it. I feel like I can give up sugar---which just a few days ago was something I thought would be difficult.

    I am feeling really good about being able to eat clean again, and I am keeping in my fridge only those things that help me to eat clean and avoid sugary and starchy treats.
  • I have been doing good and avoided so many types of food I enjoy---bread, sugar, etc.

    I am feeling really encouraged right now, as I didn't think I would be able to go this long without adding sugar to my usual foods, etc. This past week has given me a lot of hope in terms of being able to control my overeating and bingeing.