A ReIntroduction

  • Hi ladies,

    I was a frequent poster here a couple of years ago. I loved to lift, to be strong, to be healthy, and I know and have known all that it takes to maintain weight loss.

    And yet, alas. I stopped actively managing my weight, I quit smoking, I stopped exercising, my partner I now live 3000 miles apart, I took up drinking, my doggie exercise partner was prematurely killed, and life, as it does, has intervened.

    SO. I am now (and I weighed myself today for the first time in well over a year!) **50lb** heavier than I was when I first quit smoking 2 years ago and when I dropped off the 3FC fora.

    Some of you might remember me, some might not. But I think I have reached the point where I am ready to ask for help and support to get closer to where I know I should be.


    p.s. I'm posting to maintainers because that's where I spent most of my time here... Having gained and lost and gained and lost and gained...
  • Hi, Baffled, I remember you. Welcome back!
  • I came along after you were gone but back!

    You did this before and can do it again. Life does get in the way but the wonderful thing about weight loss is that it can always happen again . . . and again, and again .

    I hope you can get to your goal and stay there this time. That's what I'm still (after two years) trying to do.

    These maintainer folks are a pretty supportive bunch who forgive all of your transgressions and offer support in moving on. And 3FC will always be here for all us.

  • Howdy,
    I can relate about life intervening. I lost weight successfully with SB, then we moved 1,500 miles from a circle of friends I loved and house I enjoyed, to a rent house for 3 years while building, a teenage son started having behavioral problems, and future son-in-law was deployed to Iraq, and then DD wedding.

    My ignorance of calories, I stupidly quit monitoring my weight via the scale, and instead relied on clothes fit, plus this incredible stress put the weight back on.

    I look forward to meeting you though I am not in maintainers, yet...
  • Baff! You're back!! You don't know how many times I've thought about you and checked your profile to see if you've been around. I always think about you when I'm doing SLDL in the gym (the "prince" of deadlifts, remember? )

    I'm thrilled that you're back but sorry about the curveballs life has thrown at you.

    Do you have a plan? You were doing New Rules of Lifting at one time, I think? Have you gotten back to running? Or are you still moving toward those changes? The good news is that you know exactly what you need to do.

    Welcome home!
  • Welcome back!
  • Welcome back!
  • Welcome back!
    I have come since you left, but am glad you are back and look forward to getting to know you.
    It sounds like you've had a rough go of things but hopefully things will start turning around for you.
  • Welcome back, baffled!
  • Hi and welcome back! I most certainly DO remember you.

    Sounds like you had some rough times there. I hope things will start to look up for you.

    I'm glad you're back and ready to get off some pounds. You've done this before and there's NO reason at all that you can't do it again. I look forward to hearing of your progress.
  • Welcome "Home"..
  • Hi baffled! Glad you're back!
  • Hello!