Amelia's journey: from 190lb to...

  • Hello there,

    So here I am again, trying to lose weight this year. Tried couple of times before, was lighter then... I finally reached my highest: 200lb. Did the master clean for 11 days and lost 10lbs, now trying to get to a routine that's somehow easy to maintain. I know myself, if I have to think and count and analyze too much, I'll give up... Not that losing weight should be easy, I just don't want the issue to take over and prevent me from actually enjoying life itself...don't know if I make any sense here...anyway.

    Will need your support BIG TIME. I'm only 5'3" so I can't carry this weight any longer. My ultimate goal is to be 135lb, but for now I only want to get under 160lb just because I know that at least at that weight I feel a bit more comfortable when out.

    Good luck to you all in your personal journey and most of all, good luck to me!
  • You will do it!
  • Eat Stop Eat here I come!!
    Thanks Getting Right.

    Thinking of doing the eat stop eat program, which is an intermittent fasting program. After reading about it, it makes a lot of sense, especially after losing 10lbs on a Master Cleanse 10 day fasting, I felt really good when I was fasting, full of energy and so alert, the only thing can't do it until you lose ALL the weight, for me it's 60-70lb!! Also I need to build muscle to make sure I can keep the weight down. Since you can train while on ESE I feel this can be the way for me. I'm planning on doing the "Insanity" program, can't really go to the gym at the moment, time is really an issue, so doing it at home is the way to go for me. I really have to lose the weight, it's keeping me from living my life the I should, passing on great opportunities because I feel soooo uncomfortable in my skin...