Iron in vitamins -- second opinions please

  • Gooooood morning!

    I'm on Day 2, feeling upbeat and pretty good so far, drinking all my water, taking my


    which brings me to the question: is it too terribly bad to take multivitamins that do contain iron? I have looked everywhere for ironless vitamins, even in the "elderly" vitamins sections of the drugstores and Wal-Mart, and I can't find any at all.

    To begin with, I'm anemic anyway.

    Secondly, I don't like red meat: I mostly eat chicken, fish, and some bacon, and rarely a bit of pot roast or something like that. And the occasional bunless burger if I'm on the road (anticipatory, since this is just Day 2!)

    What is the problem with vitamins containing iron while on Atkins? Will it prevent me from losing weight?

    Then, if I can't obtain any without iron, would you just recommend not using a multi at all?

    Mucho gracias!
  • If you're anemic, you should be talking to your doctor and or a dietitian about your diet and whether or not you need an iron supplement - and how much you should be taking.
  • hey firefly...I take a multivitamin with iron while doing low-carb and it hasn't slowed down my weight loss. I have found that the only thing that slows down my weight loss is the wrong carbs or not balancing them out right or eating CHILI that was supposed to be LOW-CARB and wasnt! LOL! sorry had to throw that in there...bad experience last week If I were you, I would continue taking the vitamin with iron, esp if your doc said to!
  • I take Your Life for women by Nature's Bounty....they do not contain iron
  • Thanks kaplods, yes, a doctor knows of my current "with iron" usage -- but I haven't discussed Atkins with him yet and it's a while before my next scheduled visit. But I could call, couldn't I? Don't know why I didn't just think of that.

    Poor LeslieLou, I read about your chili fiasco! I hope it didn't set you back toooo much.

    JerseyGyrl -- I see Nature's Bounty products everywhere, so maybe I just need to look again or find some of those you mentioned online. Thank you!
  • I have been drinking my vitamins (for years I have been taking Green Vibrance mixed with filtered water) and I must read the label on this product as it may contain carbs, oh no!! If it does, then I may switch to something else that is similar but has less carbs. Will have to check on this. I love this product and my body loves it too even though it tastes like grass!