Ode to Weight Loss Plateau

  • okay so i have been doing GREAT!!!!! I am down 6 pounds from original weight. But now- I have hit my first plateau!!!! Stuck at 152! I am taking all the advice and tips- taking in more calories, switching up exercise, sending my metabolism into shock, but i am so discouraged!!! WHY!!!! I need some support and suggestions. tell me this happens to everyone! ughh plateaus! I wrote this explaining how i feel (kind of funny hhaha)

    Ode to Plateau:

    You make me cry,
    and you make me blue,
    oh plateau, you, you,you,
    make me feel so
    discouraged,defeated, distraught,
    go away plateau, go away.
    You make me cry,
    you make me blue,
    but most of all-
    you make me hate you.
    while i know im no poet... it made me feel a little better to get out feelings hahha. i think im going crazy!
  • lol! I love your poem, its funny but it's oh so true. I'm on a plateau right now as well, it's been almost a week. I'm happy though because today I went down .4 on the scale YAY! WHat I did was eat a bit more calories yesterday than usual, and it helped push it along. Try to eat 100 more calories today and see what happens. Either a reduction or increase will kick your metabolism.
  • How long have you been stuck? Weight loss definitely isn't linear...some weeks you lose a lot, some weeks you lose nothing. It's all part of the game.

    SO first question - have you been stuck for more than a month? If not, especially because you're really close to a normal weight, there's nothing you're doing wrong, you're just going to have to wait it out.
  • It has been a week. I really do need to increase calories. I barely eat- it takes my body alot to lose weight, so increasion in calories can't hurt! Plus offers me a bit of a "YAY I CAN EAT" mood. lol im being optimistic!
  • A week is normal fluctuation, not a plateau. Give it some time.