I need a swift kick in the butt!

  • So I've been on my diet for about 3 weeks now and the first 2 weeks I was very good, eating right and going to the gym 4-5x a week. This past week I'm still eating right, but I have not gone to the gym for about a week. I feel I have completely lost my motivation for going to the gym. I don't have a problem with eating, as I'm maintaining my calorie intake, but I just need someone to get my butt off the couch!

    Please send me some words of advice. I know most of you have probably gotten stuck in this rut, and I've lost about 8lbs so far. But I need my motivation back.

  • Bribe yourself shamelessly. If you go to the gym 4 times in a week, you get something you want, something you wouldn't normally splurge on. How about a massage? Highlights?
  • I didn't even think like that! Wow, that's a really good idea. I think I will plan for a little splurge on myself. Thanks!
  • This is just me.....but years ago, I'd go to the gym, all motivated...and convince myself of how great it was, etc. But I finally came to realize, after having to force myself to go and coming up with excuses to avoid it, that it was not a great long-term plan for me.

    So I began to do something I love....walking while listening to my ipod. And I do it almost every day and rarely come up with excuses for not doing it. I actually look forward to it......it's a great opportunity to think.

    IMO, if going to the gym is not something you love doing and look forward to doing....find an alternative that you do love. You're much more likely to stick with it for the long-term.

  • Quote: IMO, if going to the gym is not something you love doing and look forward to doing....find an alternative that you do love. You're much more likely to stick with it for the long-term.

    Truly excellent advice. I couldn't face a lifetime of forcing myself to do an activity which I dislike. Yuck. Finding something you can really enjoy, well, what a wonderful thing that is!
  • Quote: This is just me.....but years ago, I'd go to the gym, all motivated...and convince myself of how great it was, etc. But I finally came to realize, after having to force myself to go and coming up with excuses to avoid it, that it was not a great long-term plan for me.

    So I began to do something I love....walking while listening to my ipod. And I do it almost every day and rarely come up with excuses for not doing it. I actually look forward to it......it's a great opportunity to think.

    IMO, if going to the gym is not something you love doing and look forward to doing....find an alternative that you do love. You're much more likely to stick with it for the long-term.

    I totally agre Deena! I think I'm a tad too lazy to go to the gym so I do workout videos at home and I power walk/run on weekends. I LOVE IT! Running with my ipod is so much fun. I can feel the stress and negativity (and the fat) falling off my body. Plus I get to listen to my favorite tunes or just....think. Good times!