Last Chance Workout!!

  • Today is the day to get your last workout in before the weigh in tomorrow! I know we are all busy (trust me, we are at church from 9 til noon, then turn around and go back for evening classes at 6) - but we MUST carve out time for this!

    THIS IS IMPORTANT!! Let's work our butts OFF today!

    We just finished lunch, The Little Kids are down for naps, I have lesson planning to do for next week (should take about an hour) and then I'm going to hop on the treadmill for my "Forty Minutes of Pain". I kinda tried to lie to myself and say that I would do it when we got back from church tonight at 7:30...but I know I won't. May as well do it now and get it out of the way.

    How about you?
  • DONE!
  • WTG!

    Today I hiked about 2 miles on the cliffs at the ocean, I will be doing an hour of aerobics in the morning right before weight in though... I sure hope I've made some progress!
  • Quote: Today is the day to get your last workout in before the weigh in tomorrow! I know we are all busy (trust me, we are at church from 9 til noon, then turn around and go back for evening classes at 6) - but we MUST carve out time for this!

    THIS IS IMPORTANT!! Let's work our butts OFF today!

    How about you?
    I already weighed in today since it's Monday here. Down 1.3 for the whole week. AND I managed to beat 85kg into submission... so now I can change my ticker!
  • Way to go Mollz!

    I'm behind most people here, so my mornings are usually everyone else's afternoons and even evenings! Makes me the late one all the time, lol...