New scale!

  • So I went out today and bought a new digital scale at lunch. Right now I have an itty bitty one and I wasnt sure if it was being accurate or not. So I stepped on the new one in the parking lot (cause I just had to know what it was gonna say!) fully clothed with shoes and my coat and it said 263. No my old scale at home said 267 (scale maxes out at 266 but the line went past zero and I also tried holding something heavy to see if it went further past zero and it did) still yesterday or so I guessed with my attempet at reading the hash marks. So now I dont know if I lot anything or not. I think I may just reweight myself tomorrow with the new scale and "start over". Either way atleast the new scale has a lower number and not a much higher one!!
  • I like to weigh first thing in the morning, with as little clothes on as possible. I like to think that's my "real" weight
  • well, thats awesome that it was lower even with your clothes + shoes on! Your closer to your goal than you thought, woot!
  • I'd trust the second scale if your first one only went to 260 and you were counting over the 0. That doesn't sound necessarily accurate. I like the lower number!!