New, in need of support but willing to give it too.

  • Hi everyone,
    I am looking to start a new life in 2010. Not only do I want to get a handle of my binge eating and lose weight, but I also want to take care of other things in my life that are dragging me down. I see all these things as being interconnected.

    I desperately need support on this journey but I also need to give support as well.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you!
  • Welcome to 3FC! Jump in anywhere!
  • Welcome aboard! I will LOVE it here! This is truly the best site I have ever found and it has helped me a whole lot! I also am a binge eater and I haven't had a binge since Halloween, which is amazing for me! Please check out the Chicks in Control section of this forum. In particular, we have a thread there called Binge Emergency. You can post there if you have the urge to binge and that can be more helpful than one would think! There is also tons of info there about how to manage binges and prevent them. I am SURE you can do this!!!!
  • Welcome! As luckymommy says this is a great place to learn, share, and meet wonderful people. Keep coming back!
  • Welcome lilith... So glad to have you here with us all! I am also on a quest to do some major changing in my life... I agree with you that they are all connected! First step get ME happy and Healthy! Feel free to post lots or PM me or anyone if you want to talk!
  • I've only been on the site a few days, and I can tell you that it's very supportive. I have over 100 pounds to lose, so we're all in it together!

    Good Luck to you!
  • Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!
  • Hi Lillith!
    Sounds like you're ready to get started on a healthier and happier you - the support you need is here - we'll all be here to cheer you on.

    Glad to have you join us! There are lots & lots of different groups and forums - I'm sure you'll find some that will keep you motivated, inspired and entertained! There's also info and first hand advice on different eating plans and exercise to help choose the right ones for you and get through the ups and downs.

    There are bunches of people here with more to lose and some with less - the bottom line is that we all have to do it a day at a time. The good thing is that we'll have lots of company along the way.

    I've only been here a few months myself, having NEVER been part of an online forum. What has been so eye-opening is how much it has helped me. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or defeated, I just log on and read some of the success stories, complete with their before & after photos - or read about others still dealing day to day with their challenges - and before I know it, the time has flown by and so have all the thoughts of cheating or giving up.

    So welcome - you 've found the right place - join in by inspiring us and being inspired!

    All the best - good luck with your goals,

    Happy Holidays!
  • Welcome to 3FC and good luck with your goals.
