Tinsel and Twinkling Star Tuesday

  • Stars and tinsel and wee dogs that cry for attention before 4 AM! Jazz is just a bit spoilt. He keeps telling me he was bred as a companion dog and should be sleeping with me at night. It's OK though. I have lots to do today but right now it's stars and tinsel as I enjoy my "bling" tree.

    This morning we pack and distribute the Christmas food boxes in the area. There are more requests this year - a sad sign of the state of the economy. Strangely enough, people have been more generous this year which has helped tremendously. One merchant who had already donated 20 turkeys threw in boxes of Ferrero Rocher chocolates.

    Tea party this afternoon with Wendy's two little girls who are the most girlie kids I've ever met! I'm sure there will be fancy sandwiches and cupcakes so I'll have to skip lunch and be very careful what I eat besides tea. It's much easier to say "no thanks" to adults than to kids.

    Hey! It's supposed to get light earlier starting today but it's still pitch black out there. i guess the sun didn't get the memo.

    Hope your day is bright, shiny and twinkly.
  • Good Morning!

    It sounds like you're going to be busy today Ruth, enjoy your day. My daughter Beth used to love tea parties...... your plans for the day brought back some happy memories!

    Speaking of Beth, I'll pick her up at the airport this evening. I can hardly wait. Between now and then though, I've got a busy day at school so I need to get going.

    Have a great Tuesday friends!
  • Ruth - one of my daughter's bday gifts today is a 'tea set' just a cheapo one. If she likes it and uses it, maybe a nicer one?

    Heidi - enjoy your time with Beth. How long is she here?

    Me - today is my little girl's 5th bday...where did it go? I'm sad to see it go so fast, but in another way it's so exciting to see her change into this little girl with massive personality (can we say FEISTY?!?!).

    My cold is still here and kickin' my butt. Today won't be a good South beach day (dairy queen ice cream cake?), and I won't be too hard on myself until after Christmas...and hopefully I will feel better then too!!

    Have a great Tuesday!
  • There are still many twinkling stars in the sky in this pre-dawn hour. I hope that means a clear day is in store. There's still a lot of snow on the roads that needs to melt away.

    Ruth, thanks for carrying on the theme for the week. An afternoon tea party, what fun! And I well know how difficult it is to turn down a treat from a child. God bless people like you who distribute food boxes for those who are in need. You'll make a lot of happy hearts today.

    Heidi, I know you're looking forward to your DD coming for the holidays, have a wonderful time! How long will she be with you?

    Twynn, tell your little one I wish her a Happy Birthday! I wish you were feeling better for it. Tomorrow my GD, Carley, is also turning 5, so I know the age well. Have a happy day, and go easy on the DQ cake. I love them!

    I think I'd better run over to the supermarket to get the things I need for Christmas dinner this morning, while I have the time. We're supposed to go to my DD's for Christmas, but the weather is going to be iffy for the day, so we may not go. If we're going to be stuck at home, I have to make sure I have stuff to make Christmas dinner, at least!
  • Ruth, that tea party brings back memories. When my daughter was a little girl, a cute teahouse opened in town right before her birthday. I called to get reservations for several little girls so Marie could have her party there. They said no reservation neccessary. The day of her party, I piled the little girls in the car. They were adorable...all dressed up. We arrived at the tea house to find a "closed" sign on the door. A water pipe had burst. So, I told the girls "ok, change of plans, where do you want to go?" I named several nice restaurants...and they all say "Burger King". I thought "you've got to be kidding!" Well, we ended up at BK... all in our finery. They had a great time...kids!!

    No big plans here for the day other than the gym and getting stuff for Christmas Eve gumbo. I'm making 2 kinds to freeze the leftovers for a dinner party next week. My Mother in law is coming into town today (well, to New Orleans) She is staying with my sister in law. Tomorrow we will pick her up to go to the French Quarter...she needs her Quarter fix!!
  • Good morning It's very chilly out there but at least it's clear.

    Ruth - How thoughtful of Jazz to want to keep you company Reminds me of Sebastian - the minute he senses any movement he is meowing in my face and flopping against me because I want to pet him the instant I wake up.
    Enjoy the tea party. It sounds like fun.

    Heidi - Hope the day flies by. Enjoy your visit with Beth. I will meet DD at my parent's home tomorrow afternoon. Can't wait.

    Twynn - Happy Birth Day! Just looking at her pics I would guess lots of personality. Hope you all have a lovely day.

    Cottage - Wow, another 5 year old birthday this week Will there be a separate party for Carly?
    I hope your weather holds. We are driving home Christmas so I've been keeping an eye on that forecast too.

    Cat - Enjoy your day

    Kim - Wow, what a gorgeous haircut for you! It really frames your face nicely

    Yesterday was slightly less ambitious than I planned so today will be busy. I'm actually going to get to Target soon to exchange the thing I bought yesterday. Got home and realized I bought the wrong set for DD. Then it's grocery store and home to cook - BS lasagna, egg casserole, pumpkin cheesecake (based on Kalyn's recipe) and bread. I have a special CSA pickup at 2 so will plan the bread around that. Tomorrow will be on the road early so no chores can be left for the morning.

    Last night was a mixed night for me. I watched the Grinch, which I always look forward to and chatted with a very old friend. I refound her on facebook after losing touch for several years. It's the only way to find someone with a very generic name (not unlike mine). While chatting my Mom called to tell me they were going to the ER. It's a situation they have run into before so not too scary but still distressing. They are off to the specialist this morning so I will also plan to be home for that call. Things are never simple. Luckily it will only be my DD and Julie and I at my parents for dinner so as low key as my Mom is able to do.

    Time to get moving. Hope your day is filled with just the right mix of cheer and chores
  • Good Morning

    Oops, I lost my entire post....obviously I've not had enough coffee yet....

    Ruth, thanks for starting us up! Have a great day petting, packing and sipping!

    Heidi, looks like good weather for your DD's arrival!

    Twynn, Happy BD to your DD. Get to feeling better soon!

    Cottage, I think your alternate plan sounds smart! Maybe through planning you'll get to DD's anyway!

    Cat, enjoy your kid free day gymming and gumboing!

    Cyndi, I'm sorry to hear of your folks medical situation again. I hope everything is OK. I hope for you the right mix of cheer and chores, too. Take care of yourself this busy day!

    Me, slept in and would still be snuggled up but for the things awaiting me that only get done when I start early. Yesterday was a 0 accomplishment day (except for a nice bike ride) so I need to make up for lost time. We're going down to Denver this AM for our workout so I need to get in gear.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Happy Tuesday!

    Ruth, Enjoy your tea party! Sometimes I want to borrow a girl. I'm trying to talk Auston in to seeing "The Princess and the Frog".

    Heidi, Only two more days of school. You can do it!!!

    Cottage, DQ cake.... mmmmm!

    Twynn, She has no choice to be fiesty with that hair! I hope your beautiful daughter has a great birthday!

    Femme, I'm making seafood gumbo for Christmas Eve, too. The whole family will come for dinner. Yay!

    Cyndi, I hope your family is okay. I'll be thinking about them.

    Me: Yesterday ended up being a pretty busy day. I got lots of little things off my desk. This is my first Christmas at the non-profit agency. Not only are people thinking about the holiday, they are thinking about the end of the year and the tax season. A lady brought me two $5000 checks yesterday. I cannot even imagine writing a $5000 check. Well, actually, I could write one, and we could all watch in bounce to the sky!

    I better get moving. My mornings are more leisure since I don't have to get Auston ready for school. I'm still contemplating wearing my robe....
  • First orders of business:
    Kim, your hair looks fabulous! It's so shiny, you look like a shampoo commercial.
    Pearl, have a fun and safe trip!

    Ruth, it's been ages since we had tea parties around here. Fun! It's so nice of you to do those boxes. Those recipients will be so happy and appreciative.
    Twynn, Happy Birthday to DD! It's good for girls to be feisty.
    Chelby, sounds like a good day for you yesterday.
    Hope your today is as porductive as you want it to be, Lexxis. Cyndi, hope your folks are okay.
    Cat, have fun with your holiday preparations.
    cottage, I went to the grocery store last night to get the last minute Christmas things. The shelves were almost bare! After people stocking up for the storm, and their truck not arriving because of the snow, I couldn't get everything I needed, so I guess I'll be headed for another store today or tomorrow. Our weather looks iffy too. I hope we can get up that mountain on Christmas, or the kids will be so disappointed.
    Heidi, have great reunion with your daughter.

    Well, the kids school was canceled for today and tomorrow, so they are on Christmas break now. I have to wonder if that was really necessary? I don't know when I'll do my wrapping now, as I was planning to do it while they were at school this week.
    Today I have tickets to the Rockettes show at Hershey. We'll drive over this afternoon, and I want to do the lights display after. We should be home by bedtime. Hoping for a fun and festive outing! Hope your day is as well. In the meantime, I'd better try to get some work done. TTFN
  • Good morning, everyone! Thank you, Heidi, Twynn, Chelby and Pearl for the lovely compliments yesterday.

    Ruth: We woke up with a little rugrat in bed this morning. Apparently it was too cold for him. (But it is nice to snuggle up to a warm pup in the morning. ) I hope you have a fun time at the tea party and bless you and the other volunteers and donors for making someone's holiday season brighter this year.

    Heidi: I'm sure your DD is excited to see you as well! I hope you have a wonderful visit!!

    Twynn: Happy Birthday to your DD!! I hope that you feel better soon!!

    Cottage: I think it's a great idea to be so well prepared for Christmas. I hope you get to spend it with the family, but it's good that you have a back up plan.

    Cat: What a cute story about your daughter and your friends. I hope you have a wonderful day!

    Cyndi: Thank you very much! I'm sorry to hear about the medical situation and I hope everything goes well at the specialist today. Low-key holidays are always the best!!

    Debbie: I will definitely be sleeping in tomorrow in spite of all I have to get done. I hope you have a wonderful day!!

    Chelby: What a blessing that $10,000 will be for everyone! I can't imagine writing a check for that much as a donation, either. Maybe one day...

    Schmoodle: Thank you very much! What a bummer about school being out (for you, of course, I'm sure the kids will enjoy it). I hope you find some time to get the gifts wrapped and not at midnight on Christmas Eve! Enjoy Hershey! It sounds really neat!

    Pearl: Have a wonderful trip!!!

    Me: Not much going on here. We were quite lazy last night, but I keep thinking that Christmas is Thursday and that my parents will be here Friday, but I have until Saturday to get the rest of the gifts wrapped, the house clean and snacks baked. Phew! I think we're going to take it easy again tonight and I'll get started on everything else tomorrow.

    Okay...off to work I go! Today's our "Friday", so I'd better try and get something done!
  • Hello Ladies- as usual I have procrastinated so much that I am just now getting my Christmas cards out! sheesh. They'll never get there before Christmas- but its the thought that counts right?! ASad part is they've been done for 2 days just needed to get out in the weather and get some stamps.... and not like there is a foot of snow or anything out there!

    Other than being behind on everything, lack of working out, and eating not so well... I suppose things are going ok! I am determined that one of these days I will get back with it and stick with it! Why oh why do I continue to sabotage myself?! I will get back on the OP thread later to make a plan for tomorrow that I will stick with! One day at a time!

    Hope you all are having a good one!