OT: Brooklyn art exhibit

  • http://www.brooklynmuseum.org/exhibitions/james_tissot/

    The web pics don't do this exhibit justice, they're small works illustrating the New Testament. Absolutely beautiful, water colors mixed with gouache.

    if you're anywhere in the area, please go see it. Brooklyn Museum entry fees are pay what you want.

    The catalogue that goes with the exhibit is around $30, there's a smaller postcard book available too, for about $10 I think. Great Christmas gift for somebody else or yourself.
  • His pics really do look nice; maybe someday he'll put out a calendar or a picture/story book too ... thanks for posting about the exhibit.
  • Great pictures D-W! I have the one of Jesus looking down from the cross as my background page now! Wish I was close enough to visit...my step-d is...I should tell her...oh...just remembered...my daughter is going to New York on Thursday...better call her....