Comforting to know I'm not alone

  • So many of your posts addressed my fear of excess skin, I just wanted to write about how much better I feel knowing I'm not the only one who has these fears. Sometimes I'm more afraid of the excess skin than I am of the heart attack I may have because of the excess weight. But your posts have convinced me being at a healthy weight is more important than the excess skin, so I'll focus on losing the weight and see if I'm fortunate to not have too much skin. Of course, I'm 49 so that unrealistic image I have of getting 20-year-old body is fantasy, not reality.
  • I agree! I'll look fine in clothes. At 49 I don't have much call for showin' much skin
  • Quote: I agree! I'll look fine in clothes. At 49 I don't have much call for showin' much skin
    Maybe not much call.......but I still want to show some skin at 45, LOL
  • It feels good to know that I'm not alone and its not impossible to achieve a goal. Its inspiring to read other people's experiences.