Where Are They Now?

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  • Did anyone watch The Biggest Loser "Where are they now" Special?? it was great to see so many of them 'paying it forward' and getting involved helping others in their community to get fit. Heartbreaking to see Eric having gained back 200 lbs. he lost yoikes, but overall very uplifting!
  • LOVED IT!!!!!!! I was watching it while doing my holiday baking, it really kept me from"testing" everything!!! I loved the brother that lost 105 lbs. almost made me cry!!!!
  • I LOVED watching that show! It inspired me to do really well on this Thanksgiving Day!

    I felt really bad for Eric, but I hope this will motivate him to get back on track. I've gained back all of the weight I had lost too and I can't imagine how much more difficult it must be to do it on national television. He was so brave to go on and admit to his situation. I wish him well.
  • I have not seen it yet but I DVRed it and really look forward to seeing it!
  • Oh I would have LOVED to see that.

    And Eric? 200 lbs? I am so upset to hear that. It reminds me of how I used to dream and wish and hope that one day I would wake up slim and I would vow to never, ever put that weight back on, if I could just get it OFF. But then I realized, had I "just woke up one day thin", I would have turned right back around and put that weight back on - because I wouldn't have had a clue as to how to keep it off. Not a clue. I would have went right back to those poor eating habits and behaviors. I needed this journey to educate myself and learn new healthy habits, recipes, ideas, strategies, know my plan inside and out, etc...
  • I think they shoud do more of these inspirational shows. I mean it was great! I liked Tara from the get go and when that woman said that Tara inspired her to lose 50 pounds, it was great.

    I hope Eric can lose it again. I am not sure he has a supportive wife though..... she threw him under the bus big time. I mean even if he did bring bad food in the house, I am sure he didn't hold her down and make her eat it.
  • Darn I missed it! I don't have any fancy cable programming till I move so I had no clue it was coming on. Anyone know if they are planning to re-run it?
  • I was happy to see Max having made so much progress. And oh, Bernie is still adorable. And Neil! So cute, those two.

    The thing that sort of terrified me, however, was one of the girls (was it Julie?) saying that once you've been obese, to keep it off you have to keep working out an hour to an hour and a half a day, five to six days a week. I guess I was sort of hoping working out wouldn't take up all my free time for the rest of my life! (Not that I don't enjoy it, but it is quite a time commitment.)

    I suppose it's different for everyone. Time will tell, I guess.

    Quote: I hope Eric can lose it again. I am not sure he has a supportive wife though..... she threw him under the bus big time. I mean even if he did bring bad food in the house, I am sure he didn't hold her down and make her eat it.
    I wonder if she was just speaking from frustration because he was dragging their kids into his bad eating habits with him. My grandfather used to do that (he and my sister once stayed up all night eating an entire salami; she threw up afterward. I think she was about ten.) My sister and I both have inherited eating disorders, and her binge disorder was certainly shaped by my grandfather. So I understand where Eric's wife is coming from, even if she sounded less than supportive on camera.
  • 60-90 minutes of exercise 6 days a week seems like a lot??? Unless she meant you just need to make sure you do SOMETHING. Maybe not the gym everyday, but a walk, an activity, just something generally active?
  • I love those shows too.

    you know, for Eric to lose the weight I don't think he'd have to go as extreme as he did when he was on the show. He probably psyched himself out thinking he'd have to exercise insanely and seriously deprive himself foodwise to get back down, which I don't think he would. He doesn't have to loose it in such a seriously time constrained way.

    His body now looks a lot different from when he had the weight before too, he's in different physical condition, more toned.

    that amount of exercise to keep the weight off sounded daunting to me too (5 to 6 sessions a week at the gym for at least an hour, if I'm remember what she said correctly), but then I figure when I started I would never have imagined doing as much exercise as I do now. I have a ways to go before I have to start thinking about that anyway, ha!
  • I also had the same thoughts when she said one hour 5-6 days a week to just maintain once you lose it...wow
  • Have you read Erik's Blog?

  • Quote: I also had the same thoughts when she said one hour 5-6 days a week to just maintain once you lose it...wow
    I did probably a little over 1 hr of exercise a day, 5 days a week for a long time and couldn't lose. I was actually gaining. But that was because my eating wasn't in check. it is now. I am hoping that I will only have to do 3 days/week after I'm at goal.

    Maybe she is just indulging more?
  • Quote: I did probably a little over 1 hr of exercise a day, 5 days a week for a long time and couldn't lose. I was actually gaining. But that was because my eating wasn't in check. it is now. I am hoping that I will only have to do 3 days/week after I'm at goal.

    Maybe she is just indulging more?
    could be...who knows?!
  • I am so proud of CARLA running a half marathon! She is doing a great job. It looks like Helen got back to a healthier weight after she won. I wonder why her own daughter, her partner on the sow didn't come to the half marathon sin dig?

    And Julie having Jillian's voice programmed on her tredmill? How funny!