I am so angry right now!

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  • So where I work (David's Bridal), the dress code is business "professional" (no idea what that means, as we aren't required to wear a suit to work). The only thing is that shirts couldn't be low-cut, and if you wear pants, you have to wear three pieces (like a jacket). My favorite place in the world to shop is Forever 21, as their clothes are very decently priced, and the styles are cute, and they fit me. So we had a store meeting on sunday and basically, we're not allowed to wear knit tops anymore. Not sweater kind, but the stretchy, cottony-knit jersey kind. I have SO many nice tops that are made out of this material, but for some stupid reason, corporate has decided it's inappropriate. I have never in my life heard of a company or school forbidding a kind of material (if it was a style of top, like a t-shirt under a sweater, fine, whatever), but NO COTTON??? WTF?

    I'm so angry that I have to spend hundreds of dollars on new clothes, money I could be using to pay off my credit card to "replace" perfectly good ones. I'm so angry I'm thinking of talking to corporate because I don't think it's right that employees should be forced to buy new clothes, and the thing is, EVERY top I find is made of this material, every top that looks good. I had to buy ugly chiffon and silk tops that don't fit me well at all. If they look good and fit well, why not allow it? The mind, it boggles.

    So does anyone have any suggestions on what to wear? The rebel inside of me wants to wear these ugly and ill-fitting clothes so I'll look ugly and sloppy at work so my managers can see how stupid I look. Or just wear all black every day. And dye my hair black. It's a natural color, they can't say anything?

    I'm open to suggestions, but I flat-out refuse to wear oxford button-down shirts (even THOSE are cotton, f*cking sweaters are cotton, if I can't wear cotton, I should just go to work naked) because they just don't fit me. And if anyone knows any decently-priced stores to shop at, (even Kohl's is too expensive for me) please let me know.

    I'm so angry, I'm overweight, and I can't wear flattering clothes to work. Instead I have to wear clothes that make me look like an overstuffed potato.

    And the kicker is, I LOVE my job and I've never had any complaints about it before. And now, I feel like quitting over it (well and my managers have been just overly b*tchy and have been hovering over me and hounding me and making me feel like crap every day).
  • That really sucks! I have no idea why they would do that, it sounds crazy to me that if you are well presented you are still in the wrong. It sounds like they are eliminating so much stuff you almost have a uniform, and I'm pretty sure they are supposed to supply that, if thats the case? Maybe theyre trying to enforce a uniform without it "officially" being a uniform or something
  • Buy one shirt that fits the requirment, whether it looks good for not, and wear it every day. If they ask, say that 1) this type of top never looks good on you and 2) you can't afford to spend extra money on a whole new wardrobe right now.
  • Honestly I'd continue to wear what you are and if your boss says anything say "I can't really afford an entire new wardrobe at the moment unless DB would like to give me a check for clothing."

    I had a job like that, all of a sudden everyone had to wear these black shoes that I couldn't afford- so I took my shows and covered them in black tape. When the boss asked me why I did that I said "that's what I can afford" he laughed and said carry-on and never bugged me about my shoes again lol.

    I mean seriously as long as you are nicely dresses who cares what the material is made out of?

    Does anyone at work feel the way you do?

    BTW I like paris's idea also.
  • Are you talking about the dressier t-shirt like material? I used to work for The Home Depot and we couldn't wear that either, even blouses made out of it.

    Sorry honey.
  • I would just continue to wear what you normally wear... They may not even notice and if they do just play dumb and say oh I didnt think there was a problem with it... I also like the idea of wearing the same shirt everyday... I think that will prove a point
  • I am guessing this rule was put into place because some people (in some branch maybe other than yours) were wearing t-shirty type things. In order to keep it fair for everyone, they have instituted this rule.

    I would consider speaking with your manager about it to see whether or not your particular clothes are still appropriate in the company's eyes. If they're not, then I guess you'll need to choose your battle wisely. It's a drag, but our employers do have the right to set a dress code. I have to wear "business casual" in my IT job of developing software. It's a rare day when I see anyone other than my fellow programmers, yet we have to get all fancied up because we must adhere to the company dress code. It stinks, but that's the rule of the company and since they write my check, I comply.

    Talk to your supervisor. It may be that what you are wearing is just fine and they are just trying to crack down on the slobs.
  • I would buy one , maybe two blouses of the appropriate material and wash it out every night. You only need to wear it to work and not other times. The rule is in place because some will not know, or refuse to wear appropriate clothes to work.I once had a job where I had to wear a Navy Blue Blazer or sweator and Khaki pants or a Khaki skirt. I had none of this and bought the entire outfit at Goodwill , it was cheap, I was following the rules and I only had to wear it to work.
  • Quote: I would just continue to wear what you normally wear... They may not even notice and if they do just play dumb and say oh I didnt think there was a problem with it...
    I like this. When I worked at a book store in the mall, they mall started saying EMPLOYEES CAN'T WEAR JEANS. I'm sorry, I'm in the back, lifting heavy boxes, then stocking shelves, and standing behind a cash register where no one could see below my waist - I basically said screw it. My manager never said anything to me - if someone says something, just say well I can't afford new clothes.

    If you're neat, presentable and do your job well, there shouldn't be an issue with this...
  • Try to remember you are working in a bridal shop where the wedding gowns are the stars here . I think it is perfectly appropriate that the staff wear understated clothing . I have seen worse clothing requirements than what you describe. You can keep your favorites to wear away from work. I say "go with the program " . There are people out there who would be so happy to find a job, they wouldn't mind wearing a "uniform".
  • I don't know what it is with companies and their weird dress codes... at Macy's (at least the region where I worked), even if you work only during hours when the store is closed, and you never see customers or suppliers or anyone, you have to wear all black. And no t-shirts or (black) denim. And name tags AT ALL TIMES.

    My advice would be to keep wearing things that don't look OBVIOUSLY against the rules... and if management says something about it (which I doubt!), I'd tell them you're saving up every week to buy clothes that meet the criteria, but you don't have enough to wear them every day yet.
  • It seems highly likely the rule came about because people (not you, I'm sure) *were* looking like they were wearing t-shirts.

    And while there's lots of exceptions that may be perfectly reasonable, I cannot fault a company for not being interested in fielding exception requests .

    OTOH, I would be frustrated too if I felt my clothes looked great even if they didn't meet the exact rule. Particularly in these trying times. Still, I think I'd be cautious about pushing the issue or declaring sorry, I can't afford it. They may feel there's plenty of fish out there who will comply.
  • My company (a medical facility) recently had to send out a reminder that flip-flop shoes and plunging necklines are against company policy, especially for reception staff. You would think that people would know how to dress in a professional manner when they are greeting a public that has a heavy percentage of older folks, but no--there are still people being sent home for having their boobies hanging out on a weekly basis.

    It's sad, because I can see that easily turning into "no V neck shirts" for everyone simply because a few people can't be bothered to put on a freakin' camisole under their plunging tops.
  • This is from a college but it gives you a good idea of business casual.

    Generally, business casual means slacks or business type skirts with blouses. it can also mean suity type dresses but not really suits themselves. I wear business casual clothes to work and that generally includes a button up top with slacks (either brown, black or grey).
  • I agree that in this economy, with so many people laid off and looking for jobs - restrictions or not, I wouldn't quibble over a dress code, unless you can afford to be indefinitely jobless.

    Would your boss fire you over a dress code violoation or a symbolic protest such as dying your hair black or otherwise following the letter of the rule, but not the spirit? Maybe not, by image is always a large part of any job, and the company gets to decide what that image is. Being an irritant to your boss, is always a risk - because when it comes to layoffs and promotions - how much or how little frustration you've caused your boss can play a bigger role than even the boss may realize.

    There is absolutely no reason that you have to " spend hundreds of dollars on new clothes." That's a big conclusion you're leaping to. If you have at least one top that fits the rule - you don't have to buy anything. If you have two or three, you absolutely do not have to buy any more.

    If you were to wear a top all day, you'd generally wear it for about 16 hours, so if you only wear your work tops for 8 to 10 hours, you can probably get away with wearing work tops twice before washing unless you're extremely prone to smelly sweating. Take off the top as soon as you get home. Put it back on a hanger and put it back in your closet (if you have fabreeze or a spray wrinkle releaser, give it a light misting before putting it in your closet).

    If you want to keep track of which ones have been worn once (and don't want to resort to the simple, but effective visual inspection and sniff test) - buy a package of hangers in a different color than most of the ones in your closet - or tie a colored ribbon around the neck of hangers that are holding once worn tops.

    You can also go to Goodwill and other thrift stores and pick up very nice tops that will fit the bill, and will look brand new. Check all the thrift shops in your area, because some will have much lower prices than the other.

    Or check yohoo groups to see if you have nearby Freecycle group. On freecycle requests and offers must be free.

    The thrift and consignment shops are PACKED with great stuff right now. Even I have been able to find gorgeous, never-worn looking clothing in my size (which I almost never find. I'm sure it's the economy. In the consignment shops some are trying to make a little cash from clothing that doesn't fit, and donating what the consignment shop doesn't take). Knowing that the economy is tight for many, may even inspire those who aren't having trouble to donate rather than discard unwanted clothing that is still in good condition.

    I bought two gorgeous sweaters, and a very nice top, each for less than $4.50. There were dozens of tops, slacks, and dresses to choose from in my size, some quite dressy. The selection in smaller sizes was even more awesome - and even cheaper.