Mini Rant on food and my aunt

  • My parents are more than happy to add healthier choices to the grocery list for me, and they do, since I pitch in when I can and I help them a lot around the house and with getting my brothers to where they need to go. I'm usually the one who eats all of the fruit, and I'm pretty much the only one who eats yogurt.

    However, when they get me skinny cows (which I love, who doesn't love an ice cream that's 100 calories, right?), my aunt who has been dieting on and off unsuccessfully since she quit smoking when I was around 12 eats all of my ice cream! Now I'm 30 calories short for the day because my ice cream wasn't in the freezer when I went to get it. Now, I wouldn't be angry if she was actually doing the weight loss thing the RIGHT way, but she isn't - she eats horribly! (ie: she's lazy and doesn't want to take the time to learn what works and what doesn't)

    Don't get me wrong, I love my aunt and she's always been like a best friend to me, I tell her EVERYTHING - I told her before I told my mom when I lost my virginity. BUT, she tries things like the cookie diet for a week, doesn't see results and stops or she'll live on things like rice cakes and starves herself (she burns a LOT of calories naturally because she works in physical labor). She expects to see results just because she eats things that have a reduced fat or low sodium label, etc. Well, it doesn't work that way if you don't pay attention to SERVING SIZE. She's the type of person who doubles and triples the serving size of what she eats. This morning she had an over-full bowl of cereal, then apples with peanut butter (3 or 4 servings), then when I made pancakes for lunch with PB and grapes (370 cals, btw, it's delicious) she had some of the pancakes I made with full fat butter and syrup. For lunch she usually eats a tuna or chicken salad sandwich, which she uses miracle whip to make it with - again, with double and triple serving sizes, and then she'll eat that with chips. I love this woman to death and it hurts me every time I see her put something bad in her mouth, but I wish she wouldn't eat MY food.

    I've tried helping her with weight loss countless times. When she brings it up, I explain a few things like calorie counting and how the body burns fat and make suggestions like weight watchers and she'll immediately shoot it down because she "hates counting points". If I'M the one that brings it up she just gets *****y with me and shuts me out.

    She doesn't understand that it's not about dieting, but about changing the way you eat and making a lifestyle change. I want to see her succeed, but I'm fed up with her snapping at me because my weight loss plan is WORKING and hers always fizzle out - and I'm fed up with her eating my ice cream!

    Uggghhhh, thanks for listening ladies I know I'm always the one spouting to stay positive, but this is just.... I needed to say it somewhere or I was going to explode lol
  • haha, I love the end where you said you feel like you'd explode. I totally get what you mean!
    That's horrible that she eats your food and (I think) even more horrible that she tries all the fad diets out there. I know it's difficult to lose weight (as many of us on 3FC do), but even more difficult to watch someone else be upset about their weight and do nothing about it (correctly, I should add). I would try talking to her about it. Maybe something along the lines of - I don't mind sharing them with you, but if you could please be sure to leave me a couple that would be great. That way I wouldn't be coming off as mad, but just trying to compromise.
    Best of luck with your losses!!
  • Yeah, just say you're open to sharing, but it would be nice if she either a) left you some or b) replaced them if she ate the last ones.

    I considered the cookie diet for a minute...then I realized they only gave you 6 cookies a day and really, I can eat that in one sitting. But they did get my attention with the words "cookie & diet" in the same sentence.
  • Aw!! If I had any ice cream I'd let you have one!!! :]

    It sounds like you're doing the best you can to try to help her politely... but I think it might be one of those things where she needs to hit her own personal "rock bottom" and make the decision to get healthy and do it the right way. At least I know that's what it took for me...

    Keep your head up! And hide that ice cream !
  • I would just politely ask her to please replace your ice cream or to please not eat them because you bought them specially for your diet. I mean at the LEAST she should make sure to leave 1 or 2 so you can have one then know you are almost out!

    Worst comes to worst hide it under the frozen spinach

    I had this issue with my brother- he'd eat all my diet snack food in one sitting- I finally asked him to stop.
  • Beerab - Lol, that's my other issue! I have 2 younger brothers that are 17 and 15 and they eat ALL of my good snacks - whether it says it's healthy or not. They don't check the labels, they just open mouth, insert food, and enjoy.

    Thanks for the advice and listening ladies!
  • I just bought skinny cows *throws them across the country to you*

    That would frustrate the heck out of me. Have you attemped to talk to her about not eating the rest of your food? Or maybe putting an initial on your snacks?

    As for the dieting advice, i think people have to come to it when they are ready. If she isn't willing to put that effort in, she won't ever lose the weight and you can't force her
  • LOL, I flipped out once when I got up in the morning and my banana for breakfast was gone . The woman messed with your ice cream!

    Anyway, I'd separate out your issues. The frustration you feel at her ineffective dieting is one thing. Her finishing off your special food is another issue. Personally, I'd tackle the second issue, and work on not worrying about the first issue.
  • get your own little beer fridge/freezer for your room And add a lock

    Also, theres a COOKIE diet??
  • Quote:
    Also, theres a COOKIE diet??
    It is so not as awesome as it sounds. Google Hollywood Cookie diet.

    You basically eat 6 cookies in a day. And they're not even big cookies.
  • A fridge in your room is a good idea also- you can get a really nice one for $100- christmas IS around the corner

    I was going to suggest writing your name on the boxes too but if people don't read the labels they might ignore those.

    OR you can go postal everytime they eat your food- that might deter them lol.
  • And it sounds really lacking in anything not in a cookie O_O