Picked a reward for the next 20 lbs.

  • I am sooo tired of being in the 170s. I am actually motivated to get it down!

    I am doing a little rethinking on some things. I want As in my courses of course. I really don't have to struggle to make a B though. I don't think an A is possible anyways--some really really hard pharmacology tests.

    I want to put more effort into weight loss. I STRUGGLED yesterday to eat only 1200 cs. I wanted to drop to jog my body's system. When I look in the mirror--I get so disgusted-I got so far pasty my goal!

    I am determined to go INTO 2010 at 160 lbs. I may have to totally revamp my idea of thanksgiving dinner. and Christmas. But we'll see.

    The point is I've made up my mind. When I lose 20 more lbs I am buying myself those nifty shape up shoes. I was going to employ the idea of doing chores in moon shoes--but this is more ergonomic.

    So now I am really motivated!
  • Good for you! That is such a good idea

    I've never considered rewarding myself before ... don't know why because it is a great idea ... thinking of a self-motivating reward lol
  • You can totally do this! That is a great reward!
  • we are right in about the same position. I started around 194. Right now I am at about 171.
    I haven't really rewarded myself with anything so far. But I feel better and look better so that's good for now.
    I have about 25-30 more lbs to lose. I will have to come up with something to reward myself with when I reach my goal, other than higher self-esteem and the fact that i will need all new clothes!!
    I heard those shape up shoes don't really do anything except maybe help improve your posture. There are a lot of other things you can buy with that $100. I was going to buy them but after looking into it I decided not to. Instead I just got a good pair of running shoes and started taking more walks.
    Good Luck with your goals!!!
  • I really love my shape-up shoes - cheap knock-offs from ebay- and I'm convinced that my cellulite is a much better than it was.
  • Thanks for the input everyone...I think it is a great idea to work towards a reward--non food.
  • Good for you, Jennifer!!