160 lbs lost pictures!!!

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  • Well one pound shy of 160 lbs lost... but I was dressed and hubby had the camera. Excuse the jammy pics... all kids have the dreaded swine flu. lol!

  • Amazing!!! You're doing such a great job and you look amazing! =) What an inspiration! You go girl!

    **Hope the kids get better soon! Eck! =(
  • So beautiful! Thanks for sharing
  • how inspiring =D

    You look so much younger and refreshed~

  • You have done an amazing job. YOu are so inspiring. You can see your facial features so much better, and you are beautiful. To see your back...it's amazing the change. You look so SMALL! Your life must be much better, it has to be! I just reached 76 lbs lost this week and I'm so excited, but I do have so far to go, I'm hoping to lose a total of 170lbs... Hope I have the will that you have shown. Congrats and keep us posted!
  • You look gorgeous and I'm sure you will just get more gorgeous as you continue on your journey.

    Phenomenal job!
  • What an utter inspiration you are!!! To make such a dramatic change in one's life takes a real hero. Give yourself a much-deserved pat on the back (and I bet you can reach it now, too!!!)!!!

    Well done.
  • You look amazing, i hope you feel just as amazing! Inspiring
  • Wow! all I can say is wow
  • WOW, THAT IS AWESOME!! you are so cute. and look how little your butt is congrats
  • Wow, just Wow. It is unbelievable! The face shot looks like two different people who could possibly be related...maybe. But you look about 20 years younger! Congrats, you are my hero!
  • WOW! You are looking amazing! I have to tell you, I really only check in anymore to watch you shrink. A lot of my support girls have come and gone but you are still here. Thank you for that! You give me hope that someday I will finally reach my goal.

  • Well done! You look great, and I am sure you feel great, too!


  • I don't recognize the person in the befores.

    I am amazed, stunned, inspired, and grateful that you are here to share your journey with us!
  • So tell us what your secret is!!!. you look awesome