Tuesday Happenings

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  • Good morning! Let's try this again. I had a whole post ready earlier, and lost it all. Grrrrrrrrr!

    The ray of light for me today is that I discovered my Christmas cactus is loaded in buds, after being dormant for 3 years!!!!!!!!

    No school today, but the girls are going on the fox hunt this morning so I don't have to head over too early. I asked what they wanted to do this afternoon, but we haven't decided on anything definite yet. If the corn maze is still open, we may pack a picnic lunch and do that.

    Now let's see if I can post this before I lose it.
  • ...I see Cottage is creating a thread too so I'll probably end up merging this one.

    Busy Tuesday ahead starting with a 7:30 appointment for snow tires followed by the delivery of the last of the Fair schoolwork and prizes. This afternoon Disney and I will do pet therapy at the nursing home and, weather permitting, I'll finish some outdoor tasks. Book club is at 7 tonight and I've yet to finish the book. I guess I'd get arrested if I tried to read while driving, right?

    Gotta dash through the shower and grab some breakfast. See y'all later.

    Edited to add and merge:

    Told you so! I wondered what was taking you so long! Enjoy the corn maze. I like mazes but find them just a tad scary. No fox hunting around here this year but the lads are out after deer a lot. I'm expecting Art at my door one of these days with some venison for me. His wife won't allow him to cook it in the house so I usually luck out in exchange for an apple pie!
  • Not so busy day for me today. YAY! I only have to visit 3 classrooms today. My fiancee has the day off but has formation at 4pm so we will most likely be getting home around the same time. I'm gonna try to walk on the track today at work. I didn't get to yesterday because it was such a crazy day. And then I'm gonna force my hunny to walk with me this eevening when we both get home.
    Hope you all have a great day!
  • Good Morning

    I'm feeling a bit more settled in today. I made Bing a bed under the dining room table using 1/2 a large kennel and he's snoring away. DH got up for coffee but has gone back to bed. It seems I have the house to myself.

    Ruth, I hear you only get arrested for reading and driving if you get caught. Have a great day. Hugs to the doggies.

    Cottage, I lost a big post the other day. Frustrating. Cool on the Christmas cactus. What color is it? Maybe I'll get one to cheer me this winter. I'm looking for activites here, and you reminded me of the corn maze Denver Botanic Gardens does every year-I've never been.

    Cyndi, good job on your double walk yesterday. My goal this week is to figure out a new exercise routine. Miss my pool.

    SillyFluff, I'm glad you're enjoying time with your hunny. My DH likes walking with me, hope yours does, too.

    Cat, I've been thinking of you these past few days.

    Lisa, I hope you have a bumpless week OP.

    FoodObsessed, I'm sending my best wishes to you for starting OP. I'm finding the results come, but I have to stay focused-thin doesn't happen overnight but it is possible to start feeling better pretty darn fast.

    Sophie, I'm sorry to hear you've been in the dumps. Me, too, in a way. I'm trying to accept the things I cannot change. BTW, I did get some nice yarn but didn't even get to look at it before we left. Take care.

    Gothik, I was glad to hear you had a fun weekend and are back OP.

    Weebs, I don't envy your clothes situation. I have a huge box of beautiful clothes that don't fit any more, but I can get by with what I have for now since I don't "have" to be dressed up to go anywhere.

    Pearlrose, I hope you're getting back into your "routine". It makes the good food choices much easier.

    Kierie, I'm hoping you are feeling better.

    JellyBean, I love coupon clipping. I didn't have any Halloween candy, either.

    Barb,Geez, hectic sure seems to describe things well. Hope its calming down and I'm glad to hear you and Don are getting to spend some time together.

    Ok, off to start my SB day. I have an hour before DH gets up....wonder what I'll do...
  • Good morning

    Cottage - We have 2 holiday cacti in our office. We renamed them because they bloom from thanksgiving right through easter most years I've never done a maze but it sounds like fun

    Ruth - I'm resisting snow tires again this year and wondering how long I can hold out. It's the same thing every year but I hate all the noise so put it off as long as I can. Bet you could find a book summary online

    Fluff - an early evening walk sounds wonderful. Enjoy!

    Debbie - you are way more ambitious than I am with all those personals. Good luck on the exercise hunt. I always find winter more challenging. This year I've decided to rewatch lots of old black and white favorites. Makes the treadmill and bike more entertaining

    Today is massage day so something to look forward to at the end of the day. Other than that it's the same old routine.

    Enjoy your Tuesday
  • Hello everyone! I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. I'm Angela and I've been on the SBD since August. So far I've lost 28lb, which I'm really proud of! Alas, still another 100 to go, but I'll get there

    I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
  • good morning chickadees all!

    i am way too chipper this morning- got amazing feedback from my students and have more classes rolling in which equals more mula which makes janet a happy&not so broke grad student )

    cottage&ruth: i'd love to join you-those type of autumn-y activities don't really happen where i live! you lucky ladies

    sillyfluff: how do you get ur honey to go? mine gets bored on walks&i'm tired of coercing him!

    debbie:aren't those peaceful morning moments precious? use the time to muse.....

    cyndi: enjoy ur massage! jealous.

    welcome to the beach angela!!!

    cheerio&toodle pip!
  • Here I am! As promised! Ready to get back on the beach. My house is not the safe zone I like it to be right now, but I made the kids hide their candy in their rooms, and I stuck the box of Rochers my mom brought over in the highest cabinet. I will not break the seal, and I plan to give it to someone or take it to a party asap. Other than that, all went in the trash last night. We had a nice Halloween, and Hershey Park in the Dark was fun, although cold. Yesterday, I took the day off, so we stayed over and toured Indian Echo Caverns before coming home. It was one of the better cavern tours we've done. The kids loved it. One good thing was that I walked, walked, walked. So back to work today, and back to the beach. One of the attendees at my meeting on Friday has been very sick all weekend, along with the rest of her family. I sat at the other end of the table, so hopefully I didn't pick anything up. She didn't say if it was H1N1 or not.

    I'm planning a big beef stew (mostly veggies, just a little beef) for dinner. I've been gathering up vegetarian recipes to try. Although DH and I eat a couple of meat-free dinners each week, I could never get him to go completely veggie. When he goes back to sea, though, I think I'll give it a whirl ovo-lacto. I am back to feeling fat and I hate it, plus my jeans are uncomfortably tight, and no way I am buying more fat jeans.

    Hello Angela, and welcome to the beach! Congratulations on your 28-lb loss!
    Good luck with Maine today, Cyndi.
    Enjoy your quiet time, Lexxis. Glad to hear you are getting settled in.
    Hi Silly Fluff, two walks, good for you! I hope to get one in today.
    have a happy busy day, ruth.
    cottage, I guess the girls are out for election today? Mine were off yesterday, but back to it today. We had a hard time finding anything open to do on a Monday.
  • MORNING. I thought gaining an hour was supposed to be a good thing but my body is going "awha?" still, days later.

    Work has been fun/interesting since we moved from our cozy upstairs cube to our segregated downstairs cubes. I don't mind the segregation. It's actually..... pretty nice. Now if only we can get the other people around us used to us. They're kind of one-on-one workers, and we're team-workers, so they're not quite used to all the chatter, I don't think. (Plus, we tend to talk about food and recipes all day, especially my little team. Go figure.)

    And how funny is this!? My team of 3 = Lisa Davis Miller, Lindsey Miller, and Marleo Davis. And who came from Washington to train us? Brian Davis. We've been calling ourselves the Davis Miller Band. It makes me laugh. OH, and the whole team has "Davis" moments for sure. You hear *CRASH* and just know it's someone on your team and mutter "Davis." Heck, even Brian Davis from the Washington office has the NICKNAME "Crash." It's all very scary. Why they put us together, I have no idea. Comic relief maybe?

    Well it's still early but I want to get stuff together to make my smoothie (and find something I can put it in to transport it to work.) Hope everyone has a fabulous day!!!!

  • Welcome, Angela! We're happy you decided to join us here, and congratulations on losing 28 lbs. already! Woohoo!

    Despite having a frustrating morning so far, I did manage to get the laundry all finished and put away, Jake's supper cooked and in the fridge, and the sun is shining, so the day still holds promise. I'm thinking of putting a picnic lunch together and spending the afternoon at French Creek state park. I think the girls would enjoy that, and I know I would!

    Debbie, my cactus is a deep rose color. At least, that's what I remember it being when I bought it three years ago, lol!
  • Mornin...

    Coffee hasn't kicked in yet so I really don't have much to say. I'm up, I'm here, I'm not necessarily regretting going off plan for a couple days for Halloween... but the sugar craving last night was not fun! lol I managed to plow through with a no sugar added fudgcicle.

    Trying to think positive... but the scale issues up and down and all around have me a bit peeved. Maybe I'm just one of those people that have to stay on 1.5 and only have fruit or grains on occasion. That sucks. But whatever is going to work I guess...
  • Good morning,
    Keeping busy while DH is putting in the backsplash in the kitchen. I had an invitation to spent a few days in Montreal with a friend next week but not sure whether I will go because I might be going to a conference.

    Ruth - Hope you don't have to wait too long to have your snow tires put on, last year Steve had to wait over 6 hrs but got it done early this year.

    Cottage - you always plan such interesting things to do with those girls.

    Silllyfluff - enjoy your day.

    Debbie - sounds like you have a plan and its a good thing to start off on the right foot.

    Cyndi - enjoy your day and regular routine is good.

    Schmoodles - good to see you back.

    Welcome Angela, you are doing so well on SBD. and Jandaman glad things are going well.

    Lisa - The name situation in your office is a riot.

    Butterfly - you will figure out what is best for you and it will work.

    take care
  • I just finshed having breakfast. I had two eggs and two peices of roast beef. I am pleasantly satisfied. I plan to get some exercise at the gym later on today. I'll have a snack at 9am. It will be peanuts. At 11, two peices of roast beef. At 1, two more peices of roast beef. At three, 2 peices of roast beef. At 5pm, I will have chicken or something else for dinner. This is my first official day on the SouthBeach Diet. I did eat healthy yesterday though. I feel ready for anything.
  • Shimmy Slim, and congratulations on the amazing 28lb weight loss. Here's to the next 100lb!

    Love your username! Ha!
  • FoodObsessed!!! Where are the vegetables, the dairy and the legumes? That looks suspiciously like Atkins induction. Please check out the Phase I food list.