Going to Onederland!

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  • On the inspirational heels of another Smart Chick, this is my motivational thread to get us out of the 200's.

    Join me here to motivate each other to reach our goals! I've been messing around with the 200lb mark for 2 months now and I'm ready to leave it behind!

    My plan is to get more exercise by getting up at 6 and doing it (hopefully) before anyone else gets up. I am mother of 4 and our new baby is 5mo old. I eat when I'm feeling tired and frustrated and love to bake...cookies make children smile.

    I only weigh once a month, because once a week is to stressful for me right now. I am nursing our baby and it's a fine line between not enough calories for both of us and just enough to be able to loose. I'm losing slow and it's frustrating looking at .2lbs lost in one weeks time.

    So - anyone with me? Say goodbye to the dumb 'ol 200's and hello to better health!!
  • So far so good! Got up at 6 and walked for about 35min, did some stretching...heart rate monitor said I burned 297cals! Yay! Breakfast - homemade honey flax bread and black coffee - maybe some mozz cheese to.

    Adios 200!!
  • You can do it. My babies are 15 and 12. I'm hoping to get there just after the new year.
  • Thanks weebles! WE can do it!!
  • I went to the gym (and got woozy) because I forgot to eat, I'm in a biggest loser program with my husband...he GAINED SIX POUNDS (he weighs 165). I lost five according to their scale from last week. Getting there!
  • Yay Weebles for going to the gym!! How did DH gain or was that the point? 165 seems slim for a man, he may have the opposite problem we have.

    I got up and walked again this morning. Though I ate waaaay to many carbs yesterday. I make our own bread and went a little overboard with it yesterday.
  • Exercise on Monday...sick yesterday and today - back on the horse tomorrow!!
  • Good Luck! I've been trying to get to onederland for a year now - I have 3 under 9 and the youngest just turned 2 - I hear you about the cookies!
  • I am determined to get out of the 200's too!! It used to be sooooooo far off, and then it snuck up on me while I was pregnant, and I have been here ever since!!

    Mortonpixie, I know you have lots of little ones, so I'm assuming you already know this, but so many people have a hard time losing while nursing! I know for some (evil) people, the baby weight just falls off while they are breast-feeding, but for me (and I know I am not alone), my body held on to every pound until my son started to eat solids and wasn't nursing quite as much. It was like my body knew I needed more calories for him- so even if I would eat less, it was as if my body just stored the food that was coming in.

    Please don't think I am implying you should wean your baby early! I am all for nursing for just as long as baby and mommy want and are able to! I am just trying to say, please don't be hard on yourself!! You are doing AWESOME and you are so, so close to onderland!! I know it seems slow, but the scale is going in the right direction!! I bet that wedding ring will be on in NO time!!!

    Hang in there!!! WE can do it!!!
  • Well, our biggest loser contest is over today, and I've gone from 228 to 212 in 5 weeks, which is great. they are going to start up again in January. Hopefully by January I can get down to 199. That would be really cool!
  • Weeble - WOW!! That's fantastic!!

    Batty - Yep - I think that's me. I've been squeaking along at 1-2lbs per month for a couple of months now...baby boy is getting enough to eat, so I just need to be patient. I was counting calories, exercising and still not losing. So...I'll just be patient. Thanks for the kind words!
  • I was about 5 lbs above that grand 200 marker until about 2 months ago, when I gained a few pounds back

    I'm getting below that 200 mark by Christmas!
  • We're the same weight I'm hoping to make it to Onderland this week so going all out food, exercise and drinking water wise to get there. My eyes are really on 196lb though as then I will of lost all my pregnancy weight (from my eldest daughter who is now 10 )

    It's very hard to lose weight when you have a little baby. You will get there.
  • Looks like we're all pretty darn close!
  • oooo you are sooo close! you're gonna have to pull me through! Hope I stay strong through Thanksgiving, Christmas, my Anniversary, and New Year!