What kind of exercise do you do?

  • I'm curious....what kind of exercise do you do? I'm just beginning, and I feel like walking is the easiest thing to keep me motivated at first, instead of doing the dreaded giving up. I walk with Leslie Sansone in my living room. It's fantastic. I walk 2 miles almost every day.

    I did just try to do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Blast (or whatever it's called) and did also just try Denise Austin's Fat Burning Yoga. I think those are a little too difficult for me right now and just made me frustrated. So, I stopped doing those and am just going to walk 2 miles later tonight. I hope it gets easier, because I want to be able to get more exercise dvd's later on down the road, so I don't just have to walk.
  • When I first started working out I was doing a WW beginners workout {Getting Started?} on VHS. It was about 20 min long and not very intense but since I had never worked out before I treated it like a marathon. Then I worked my way up to Denise Austin's Xtra Light workout. Now several years later, I do pilates, weights, run/walk intervals on the TM, and Kboxing among others. Like anything you have to start at the beginning. I did Leslie Sansone workouts for a very long time {year +} until I got the treadmill.

    This site rates Shred as advanced workout http://www.collagevideo.com/workout-...day-shred-7963 Doing a search at Collage may help you find some more beginner workouts that would be a better fit for you. They also have video clips so you get a feel for the workout.

    I'm a big fan of home workout DVDs and am always happy to get someone else addicted to them, LOL, so I hope I have been some help.
  • I am also walking on the treadmill but Ive increased my inclines and speed the more I work out so it mixes it up a bit. I want to start maybe walking while holding my weights too but I havnt tried it yet. I used to do the elliptical alot but I dont like the one in my new apts fitness center.

    I just got The Firm because I wanted something to follow along to while I do my dumbbells. I actually just finished my first time and I had a hard time getting the moves down because the camera kept like zooming in so I couldnt see their feet. My bestfriend has 30 day shred and loves it but I havnt tried anything but level 2 and it killed me.

    I want to eventually be able to build up to running but right now Im too heavy I think....it kills my bad knee that Ive had a couple surgeries on.

    Have you thought about bike riding maybe? Or getting a stationary bike? My SO and I were going on 14 mile bike rides for a while and I loved it...I would still go but he complains about it being too chilly. lol
  • When I started out, at 330 pounds, I walked in place 5-15 minutes a day then gradually worked my way to Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds DVDs. Now I do cardio/weight interval training at home.
  • Quote: This site rates Shred as advanced workout http://www.collagevideo.com/workout-...day-shred-7963 Doing a search at Collage may help you find some more beginner workouts that would be a better fit for you. They also have video clips so you get a feel for the workout.

    I'm a big fan of home workout DVDs and am always happy to get someone else addicted to them, LOL, so I hope I have been some help.
    Awesome!! Thank you so much!! I will have to go on that site and check it out! I LOVE the Leslie Sansone WATP Dvd's. It goes more my pace and doesn't push me past my limit. Plus, it keeps me motivated since I don't get frustrated with it. And the best thing about it is that if it's too intense, you can always just walk in place. I did the feet movements last night to the 3-mile walk, but left my hands out of it. I made it to two miles. I hope by next week or the following week, I am able to do at least the three mile walk, and then I'll worry about working the hand/arm movements too.
  • I'm glad you liked Collage.

    I'm not the most co-ordinated person on the face of the earth, LOL, it took me quite a while to get the hands and feet together, even in a Leslie.
  • I don't have an exercise routine to speak of. I admit to turning up the hip hop when I am alone on my bus and dancing like a wild lady while sweeping. I have alot of energy but no desire to direct that energy into a regimented routine.
  • For me it's Curves. I joined with my mom. So far so good. Tomorrow will be day 5. I enjoy it and it's a good pace for me anyway
  • I definitely need to figure out how to start an exercise routine. I bought an exercise bike but even though I'm used to walking lots (live in the city and don't drive) I get worn out sooo easily on the bike even on the lowest setting. So I get discouraged and rarely use it. I may just bite the bullet and splurge on a personal trainer just to get me started in the right direction. Joining a gym by itself would never work for me because I would be way too embarrassed to go and I don't know anything about the machines or what work outs to do or how.
  • I started swimming again in October. It's full-body, it's "un-gravity" and low impact, and best of all, no obvious sweating!