What time of day do you work out?

  • What time of day do you work out? I like to work out in the evening, a couple hours after dinner. That way everyone has settled down for the day, and I get some peace. I can't seem to do it mid-afternoon to early evening because everyone is wound up, and my 2 y/o and 4 y/o like to act up because Mommy's busy.

    I can't seem to get out of the bed in the morning because of the sleep-pattern that the rest of my family has...they keep me up at night until midnight or so, and I have to leave the house about 7:30 to get to work. So, getting up in the morning with enough time to workout just isn't feasible right now. (Although I would love it!)

    So, what time do you work out?
  • I usually work out around noon, before lunch. I'm at home during the day until January (when I start school again), so I guess then it will either be early morning or after school.
  • Right now I am nursing an injury, but when I work out I break my sessions up. I workout 5 days a week and my routine is as follows and it applies to each of the 5 days -

    1:30pm - 30 minutes cardio/weight interval
    4:30pm - 30 minutes cardio/weight interval
    7:00pm - 30 minutes cardio/weight interval

    And the next part I will add only because I have had others on this forum try to "attack" my "intense" schedule...the above schedule only applies to me and I am in no way, shape or form trying to suggest anyone else should or needs to workout according to my schedule.
  • I like to workout in the morning, however, I have been known to procrastinate until right before bed . It seems the earlier I get to it the less likely that I'll put it off or something else will interfere. But some days I get up before 7am and I am gone for half the day, so its closer to 2pm.
  • I do mornings 6:30 - my fitness coach with cardio and strength training. then I try to go out for a walk/jog when I get home by around 5ish
  • First thing in the morning for me -- I'm an early bird and it works best for my schedule.
  • Boot camp first thing in the morning--3 days a week
    weight machines on my lunch hour 2 days a week.
    whatever I can get in on weekends and after work.
  • Generally @ 7-8pm on weekdays. Ideally I'd like to go to the Y at 5pm, but so does everyone else so I've found later time works better. On the weekends it depends on the activity and the outside temps. I used to get up pretty darn early on Sundays to get in my hiking when temps were in the nineties. Now that fall is here, the afternoons are more temperate.
  • Just after work - I get out between 4:30pm and 6pm most days.

    I'm not good at really early mornings... I get up at 6am for work and that is just about perfect for me, any earlier and I feel like crap. Also, this lets me exercise at work (at one of the 4 campus gyms), then go straight home to shower.
  • I work from home, so I use my lunch hour. If I have more than an hour going on that day, I typically start in the AM before work with part, and finish up on my lunch hour. Then I eat lunch at my desk while working.

    Onederchic - 90 min a day isn't that extreme! I pretty much am always between 75-120 min a day, with 1-2 rest days a week. Whatever works for you!
  • Thanks Amanda
  • Unfortunately stuck at 7:30 - 9pm, and having to go straight to bed afterwards. Still trying to figure out how to "decelerate" so that I can go to sleep, because workout nights generally beget sleepless nights. :P If the pool were open at 5:30am, I would be ALL over it.
  • I need to do it immediately when I com ehome from work. Otherwise, it won`t happen at all.