Any Ideas?

  • I need to find some type of exercise that I can do... I have nerve damage in my left ankle due to a fall and subsequent bungling by my employer's worker's comp provider 3 years ago.

    I was volunteering in an adaptive swim program for children with disabilities, and really enjoyed that. But then I moved 30 miles from the place, and although I still worked almost across the street, it was too much to drive on a Saturday. The traffic around here stinks. There aren't any places near me currently that offer such a program... Nor any places near where I am moving to in a few weeks (Baltimore) that I know of.

    Swimming is about the only thing I can do, other than upper body weight lifting/aerobic machines. I can't walk without a limp, and I can't feel anything on the outside of my ankle from the small toe to about mid-calf, and the orthopedist has indicated that he does not think a stationary or regular bike, treadmill, stair machine, ski machine, etc... are a good idea. The same would go for any kind of aerobics that require jumping, stepping or quick movements.

    So, what does that leave? Swimming laps is okay, and I do it when I can get to a pool that is accessible (ramp or short flight of steps), but I'd prefer something more involved. I've done water aerobics too, but the classes *all* seem to be during the day or around 4:00/5:00. I'm a special ed teacher, plus I'm in grad school... I'm never free then.
  • Hi Anonymouse -
    You might want to consider (with your doctor's approval of course) an aerobics program called Chair Aerobics or Chair Dancing. I saw this once on the Lifetime Cable channel. It's designed for people with limitations who cannot do the regular stand up aerobics routines. Sometimes they use the stretchy Therabands for added resistance.

    Once you get to your new home, call the YMCA or Wellness centers around your area. Many of these offer regular classes.

    Here's a website that offers reviews by real people of all types of fitness videos. This link is specific to the Chair Aerobics/Chair Dancing Series.

    However, you should check with you doctors first, especially since they advised against certain movements. Good luck to you, I commend you on your committment to keeping fit. My husband also had nerve damage from a long history of back problems and surgeries and I know how debilitating this can be.
  • Anonymouse,

    Have you seen a physical therapist?

    Whilst GP's are good for health and disease and orthopedists know everything about body structures etc neither are experts in exercise rehab for injuries such as yours - unless your orthopod is extremely forward thinking that is!

    Yours seems honest, you say he 'wasn't sure' about some equipment. A registered PT would be absolutely certain!

    Please don't give in and accept your position until you have had the opinion of all the health professionals you can get you hands on. I am certain that a PT would be able to give you really good advice on all types of exercise from water to chair work and on....

    Good luck with it, Stef
  • [QUOTE]Originally posted by stef

    Have you seen a physical therapist?
    Yes, I have seen a physical therapist. He agreed with the orthopedist. I am sorry I didn't mention that I had physical therapy for a 4 months 3x a week for 90 minutes.

    Whilst GP's are good for health and disease and orthopedists know everything about body structures etc neither are experts in exercise rehab for injuries such as yours - unless your orthopod is extremely forward thinking that is!

    I think the orthopedist I saw was probably one of the most forward thinking I've ever met. He was the only who was certain that I wouldn't have to have my ankle fused. I wasn't willing to do that because it would have meant no teaching. There was no way I was going to be able to teach children with mental ******ation (some of whom are runners!) with a fused ankle!

    Please don't give in and accept your position until you have had the opinion of all the health professionals you can get you hands on. I am certain that a PT would be able to give you really good advice on all types of exercise from water to chair work and on....

    Thanks, Steph. I did leave out that I have seen a PT, and they agreed. In fact, they had added to the list, because initially the theory was that I could walk on a slow treadmill. But they didn't allow me to do that, bike, stairs or the usual balance-with-the-ball that I'd had in PT from the bungled worker's comp people. They and the orthopedist were the ones that suggested swimming, and pretty much feel that is all I'll be able to do right now.
  • Ask the PT if you could use one of those reclining bicycle things ...
  • Exercise.....
    Hello. I have a suggestion for you. How about Body Flex? Body Flex is a deep breathing and stretching routine developed by Greer Childers. I have been doing it for over 4 years and love it!!! I lost 50# and a zillion inches and then used it to maintain. Now I am back to doing it daily (without fail) in an effort to lose some more poundage.

    There is no impact. I can't have great impact because of degenerative arthritis so this is perfect for me. On days when my joints won't even allow stretching, I can always do the breathing portion. You can order the tapes on-line.

    There is a support group on ezboard, also, administered by a gal named Jacque'. She's super.

    I hope this helps some...