The perennial loose skin question...

  • I have significant loose skin and its gross. However, I'd take that 10000% more than being the weight I was. I still have 65 pounds to go, so the problem is just going to get worse. There is a ring of skin that hangs down below my waist and my belly looks like cottage cheese. The skin under my arms bubble up and it is totally viewable when I wear short sleeves.

    I know there is going to be at least 10 pounds of loose skin when I'm near goal weight.

    I know some of you here have maintained weight loss for a long time and I so want to congratulate you for that! Did the loose skin really improve after 2 or 3 years? Did it take longer? Does any of the creams really work?

    For many reasons, I do not want to have surgery, but I do hope that there will be improvement over time. I know its never going to be perfect, but at some point I'd like to go outside in the summer without a shirt on and not look like a shar pei dog.
  • Thanks to the mod who moved this! I didn't even know there was this section
  • I am not to goal yet so I can't answer your questions but here is an interesting FAQ here at 3FC you may want to check out
  • Did it really improve? YES! I will say its not great but it is definitely improved. My upper arm loose skin is visible but honestly, I don't care. Of course it is different for each and every one of us.
  • Congrats on your weight loss so far! There is no easy answer on the skin tightening up. It will improve after you've reached your goal and maintained but in my experience it cannot all vanish. Obesity is quite damaging to the skin especially in the range that you and I got to. I didn't want to have surgery either even though I started saving for it upon reaching my goal. The saving started out as my backup plan.

    The backup plan became the primary plan after I saw I'd never get rid of the skin without it. I did have to convince myself it wasn't vanity to want it gone. After I understood that the surgery is to repair the damage I've done, the vanity question was answered for good.

    Give yourself at least a year after your goal to "settle in." Keep improving your body fat percentage and see how you look around 15%. You might just be one of the lucky ones whose skin managed to maintain elasticity. But from my experience don't rule out surgery. At least, give it a long, hard look if you're not happy with your body.
  • Solace is right - the more you lower your body fat percentage the better it will get. How much better, I don't know. There are lots of people who have lost lots of weight and had very little loose skin and others who have much more. Definitely over time, it will improve. You should look up and John stone fitness as well - there are loads of people on there who have tightened up their loose skin considerably by eating super clean, lifting heavy and giving it time. Are you weight training and eating clean?

    Congrats on what you have done so far - what an achievement! You must feel, and look, like a different person! Keep going - it can only get better.

  • Congratulations on the fantastic weight loss. have you read the FAQ sticky? Meg and I wrote it many years ago, but I still believe everything there is true. At eight years at goal, the skin on my arms and legs has really improved, my face has gotten more wrinkled (um...yeah, that happens to everyone at some point ) and super clean eating and heavy consistent lifting have helpe me maintain my weight and the shape I want. However, I carried all my weight in my abdomen, and without surgery nothing would have changed the apron and shredded, deflated balloon look. At the outset of my journey, I was 100% against elective surgery, but I believe it was the best thing I ever did for myself. Aside from health, it gave me a very real reason to maintain at what most consider a vanity weight. I'm not sure I would have maintained otherwise.

    How you feel about the skin is so individualized. Nelie is comfortable in her skin, I hated mine. I did wait three years until I finally had surgery, so get to your maintenance weight, eat clean, lift heavy, and see how you feel about it.

  • Yes, I have lots of loose skin. Yes, it has gotten better over the last year of maintenance. Will it disappear? I WISH! But alas, no. It may continue to get better, but the damage is done. Saggy-baggy is in my future - permanently.

    I wear my skin proudly - it is a constant reminder - a battle scar - of where I have been, and where I am now.

    If I could wish it away - you can bet that I would. That being said, it is what it is - and it is a part of me. It tucks nicely into clothing and I am at peace with it.

    And - in a nutshell - I wouldn't go back for anything!
  • Thanks for this...........I am NO where near my gw but I have given this topic plenty of thought. My first answers to surgery were NO, out of fear, cost and out of the feelings of guilt thinking about vanity. But you guys have answered the vanity questions for me......given me a whole new, fresh outlook on it.

    Will I ever do it? Who knows, but with this new outlook I won't be thinking much about the vanity issues as much as the health issues of having an apron hanging around, chaffing me and causing discomfort.