UGH! i over ate today

  • im trying not to beat myself up over it as i had been doing great this whole week and even ate under a few days and worked out sunday-thursday and only skipped last night. about to go tonight too

    i haven't even had dinner yet and i only have 155 of my 1600 calories left for the day

    ugh well after i work out it should all even out as my dinner will only be like 300 calories

    right? ugh

    and its okay to have a bad day right?? i didnt completely over do it but i still feel guilty.
  • Yes, it is okay to occasionally slip..we have all done it and still do it (or I do anyway ). The best thing to do is acknowledge it, forgive yourself and hop right back on track. One day of a little mess up (or even a big one) will not screw up your hard work
  • okay good thank you
  • You're welcome. I, along with most everyone here, can definitely understand. Just don't let one day keep you down. You can do this
  • Youre doing great! I wouldnt feel too guilty but I completely understand. You'll be fine especially since you're working out alot! Alot of people eat more calories a couple times a week just so they dont start going into a plateau so I wouldnt worry about it at all, it might even help you out. Tomorrow is a new day! =)
  • Yeah, and that's not so bad in the grand scheme of things. When I overeat, I overeat to the tune of like 2500 calories
  • thanks you guys for all of your supportive words
    yeah i over all made good decisions for my food today so its not like i ate half a container of ice cream or that pile of french fries that were tempting me at lunch

    i was overreacting a little as this was the first time since i started this different lifestyle that i slipped.
  • Hehe..I woulda had a lot of trouble with the fries for sure, potatoes are my biggest weakness
  • I have over and under days. It isn't one day's total that matters, it's what you are eating over the course of time. What I do is once a week add up all my calories, then divide by 7 to get a real idea of what I am doing. Having one day where I am over 2000 doesn't seem so bad when I see that my weekly average is around 1600.
  • You're doing great! Congrats on all the workouts.

    I count calories but allow myself one "off" meal per week where I don't count.
  • Quote: Hehe..I woulda had a lot of trouble with the fries for sure, potatoes are my biggest weakness
    they are my absolute biggest weakness too. i occassionally steal a few from the DH and dont count them because if i dont get a taste i will explode! HAHA
  • Quote: I have over and under days. It isn't one day's total that matters, it's what you are eating over the course of time. What I do is once a week add up all my calories, then divide by 7 to get a real idea of what I am doing. Having one day where I am over 2000 doesn't seem so bad when I see that my weekly average is around 1600.
    thats true and your right on average i definitely dont eat what my highest day is so overall i think im doing it right. good thank you!