Awesome dinner for my dad's birthday

  • You guys know I eat on plan all week just for occasions like this one! For his birthday, dad and Lynne took me to Bistro 6301 in Shreveport. We had the most amazing meal. I had fois gras (paired with an incredible Sauternes) and seared duck breast and bread pudding with banana foster for dessert.

    We had a wonderful time - great food, great company.

    Looking forward to incredible meals like this helps keep me on plan!
  • Looks like a great time!
  • Such nice photos; thanks for sharing!
    I don't take enough pictures of memorable meals :-)
  • Glory, looking forward to that would keep me on plan, too!

    Glad you guys had a great time!
  • Fantastic looking food! You look great too. I am glad it was such a nice time for all of you.
  • That meal looks awesome! As do you!