Anyone in AA/NA/CA?

  • I see the thread above for OA, but I was wondering if anyone around is a member of Alcoholics/Narcotics/Cocaine/Gambling anonymous.

    I've been in AA for SIX MONTHS now! Woohoo! But what I'm realizing is that for us it was never about the substance, it is a disease of thinking. Where our thought processes take us that lead us to self destructive behavior. My disease gets to roaring when I'm feeling bored, restless, depressed, and sometimes it isn't just telling me to go out and drink or drug, it tells me it's okaaaaay to eat some fast food, some sugar, just binge out. It is a disease of MORE, NOW. Instant gratification. Medicate the problem, drown out the emotion.

    I'm sure none of you can relate, right? I find too that despite the substance or behavior, we can have some really meaningful conversations. In fact my hairdresser has never had a drink or a drug but recently lost her husband and we have some really intense "program" conversations.

    Just checking to see if we could get any interest in starting the AA/NA/CA thread.....
  • I'm not in any of the programs you mentioned, but I have recently returned to OA (gave it a try before and decided to try again). Unfortunately the OA thread does not seem to be very active - but I'd love to "talk program" if we get a thread for all twelve-steppers.
  • I've been in AA since early Sep. In order to lose weight and really be healthy I had to stop drinking and in that process I realized I had/ have a real problem with alcohol.

    I agree that it isn't the substance, it's the disease because as I child I learned to abuse food which has continued into my adult life, and in my late teens/early 20s I became addicted to marijuana (and also salved the wounds from a mean BF who pointed out that I was "getting fat"). Same "issue," different drug of choice.

    Thanks for posting this, I will be very happy to read about everyone's experiences.
  • First of all, you're not alone and I can totally relate.

    I was raised by 2 alcoholic parents (my mom just passed on Easter at 56 from alcohol), 1 step-parent in Al-Anon, a husband who's definitely leaning toward alcoholism and a whole host of my own addictive issues. *sigh*

    I'm not in AA (however I'm very familiar with the program and truly believe it's saved my dads life), but struggling with the drinking. My coping skills aren't the best and turning to food or booze sometimes seems easier than dealing with reality. It's a constant battle, and I worry that it will be for the rest of my life.

    If you ever want to talk or vent, etc. you can pm me. I can definitely relate to a lot of what you're going through. Don't forget: one day (or 1 hour or 1 minute depending on the day) at a time.

    ETA: Congrats on 6 months! Great job!