Ok...once more with feeling!

  • Here on the eve of day 1 and one of many 'last suppers' over and done with, I am ready and determined to reach my goal. It's been so long since I've even reached onederland and that is something I want badly. I don't want to be over 200 pounds anymore. I am so uncomfortable in my own skin even as I sit here on my laptop I can feel the monstrosity of myself and it makes me sick. I am an emotional eater and chronic yo-yo dieter. I do extremely well when I'm in the 'zone' but then crash and burn horribly.
    It's been 2 weeks since I lost my job and that sent me into an emotional eating binge. It's time to pull up my boot straps and carry on with life and get back to eating healthy and going to the gym as that is when I feel best.
    I came across this site by fluke today and am so glad I did. I am having a difficult time facing reality and stepping on that scale, I have anxiety just thinking about it but it has to be done.
    I look forward to sharing our journeys together.
  • Welcome to 3FC and good luck with your goals.

  • Glad you joined us!
    You absolutely CAN do this.

    I've been in your shoes - I finally gave up dieting, time-bound goals, all of it. I decided that I needed to change my lifestyle - and it was a FANTASTIC decision.

    I hope you will come back and post often, so we get to know you
  • Welcome! I am glad you are joining us.

    I wish you the best with your weight loss journey!


  • Thank you for the support everyone!

  • Glad to have you join us! There are lots & lots of different groups and forums - I'm sure you'll find some that will keep you motivated, inspired and entertained!

    There are lots of people here with more to lose and lots with less - the bottom line is that we all have to do it a day at a time. The good thing is that we'll have lots of company along the way.

    I've only been here a short time myself, having NEVER been part of an online forum. What has been so eye-opening is how much it has helped me. Whenever I feel overwhelmed or defeated, I just log on and read some of the success stories, complete with their before & after photos - or read about others still dealing day to day with their challenges - and before I know it, the time has flown by and so have all the thoughts of cheating or giving up.

    There are so many of us here who can certainly identify with your story.
    YOU CAN DO THIS - we have been (or are) where you are now.

    So welcome aboard - join in by inspiring us and being inspired!