Drinking My Calories :(

  • I have a party tomorrow night and I've been trying to figure out my best bet. I am guessing I will have around 4 drinks if I am trying to be quite moderate. Pre-mixed drinks are way too high cal, as is beer, even low-carb beer. The best seems to be spirits.

    I love vodka, lime and soda so I'll probably go with that. I just wanted to check with you lovely people if my calorie calculation sounds about right?

    Calorie King gives me:
    4 shots of vodka = 280 cals
    Soda water 800 ml (4 x 200ml)= 0 cals
    Lime Cordial x 120 mls (1 30ml shot in each) = 36 mls
    = 316 cals for 4, or 79 cals each.

    That seems pretty good! Perhaps... too good to be true?
  • Depends on how big a "shot" is. In Canada, a standard shot is 1½ oz. which would mean 385 calories for the vodka alone.
  • Your measurements are for 1 oz shots. Standard shots for a mixed drink are normally 1.5 oz. Skip the lime cordial, use fresh lime juice, and ask for "skimpy pours" (1 oz instead of 1.5) on your vodka.
  • Haha sorry yes I should have specified; here in Australia a standard spirit shot (1 'standard drink' of alcohol in govt guidelines) is 30mls, roughly 1oz (1oz = 29.5mls). And most bars pour singles as standard.

    Good idea with the fresh lime juice, although the venue is not the classiest of establishments I will certainly try my luck!

    Thanks for your help, and I will have to remember to be aware of the difference in pour volumes when I visit the US in Jan!