300+ Weekly Thread #1229

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  • We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support, inspiration, and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

    We want to invite everyone (roosters as well as chicks!) to join us in our journey. We share laughter and tears, heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations. We also share what works for us and what doesn't.

    We know the thread can move very quickly, and that people often make "personal" remarks and keep a number of conversations going. Please feel free to contribute even if you can't make personal comments all the time.

    Finally, we also have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, Photos, Exercise, Info for Getting Started and more. Many of these threads are stickied at the top of the page. Please feel free to check them all out.

    We have found this thread to be more than just a support group... we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.
  • Morning ladies...I'm stumbling into the day a bit on the tired side. lol. Sleepy eyes....*rubs them*

    I have a goal for today to do my workout with my new wrist weights. I hope i get through it, I haven't done my workout in ages it seems. haha.

    I hope everyone is well. I'm going to take some time today and plan my meals and things. Today I'm having fruit and salads, maybe some veggies for dinner. Lighter side of things today.

  • Helllo my Peeps!

    Well, today is a big day for me. First, I have my yearly performance review at work.. bleh.. hehe. Then I have my first surgical consult for weight loss surgery at Johns Hopkins. I will let you know the outcome!

    I'm excited and scared all at the same time. Not scared of the procedure, but how to tell my mother!! hehe. Alas, family dynamics at its best.

    Hugs to all,
  • Jacquie ~ I'm having sleepy eyes as well. It's been overcast and dreary in northcentral Indiana and I'm thinking that has something to do with it. Bleh...

    Ratkity ~ I hope you have a great performace review and an informative consult!

    I am going to have to go out of my way to have a positive attitude these next few days. Just got word from the mechanic that I blew a headgasket on the minivan I just bought from my Mom 3 WEEKS AGO! Unable to go to school without a vehicle, and I HAVE to go to school! I'm not racking up student loans to miss class! lol. I have the most horrible history when it comes to vehicles. Everything automotive that I touch turns to crap.

    SO, I'm going to go to the Y today, even if I have to take a cab, and work some of my frustration off.

    Been really proud of my eating these first few days... I made an awesome ceviche last night... shrimp soaked in lime and lemon juices, tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeno, red onion, and some avocado. I ate some with a couple of corn tortillas I baked in the oven. I could quite possibly live off of that stuff if shrimp wasn't so expensive in Indiana. hehe

    Hope everyone has great day!
  • Good Morning ladies...its a brand new week ...yeah! lets hope that i am able to make my first mini-goal this friday and its looking good cause i stepped on the scale this morning and it said 299.3 but i want to make sure its going to stick so we will see if it says that the rest of the week then i will know this time it wasnt a fluke.

    Did my 4 mile walk this morning and i feel good its kind of cloudy and rainy here today perfect weather for soup which is probably what i will have for lunch today and then i might curl up under a blanket for a while and watch tv..it says that it is 70 degrees right now but it definately doesnt feel like it!

  • Good morning, my dear chickies! Hope you are all having a lovely day thus far. Today was weigh in, and I was down a pound. Eh…wish it would have been more, but hey, it’s going down, right?! I’m really trying to stay positive with the entire process this time, and even if it is ‘only’ a pound each week…or less…or even a gain/maintain, I just have to stay positive. Because I KNOW I’m getting healthier.

    I downloaded the Jillian Micheals “30 Day Shred” workout; not sure if I’ll try it today, but sometime soon. Anyone done the workout? I’m also downloading a new Cardio Kickbox workout & also a beginner’s Belly Dancing workout.

    Haven't seen Annie around lately. Sending positive vibes your way, Annie, if you're reading! *hugs*

    Jacquie – Good afternoon! Enjoy your workout today…and the addition of weights is excellent. Way to bump up the intensity!

    Ratkitten – GOOD LUCK today! I may have missed that you were looking into WLS. I had no clue. Lol. Have a wonderful day.

    Andrea – Good for you for getting to the Y one way or another; many people that I know would just resign themselves to not going, because of a setback, so bravo. Have an awesome workout!

    Heather hb - Don't be shy....come and post your minutes on the exercise thread! lol
  • kayleystar...i took your advice and posted my minutes on the exercise thread..yeah me!
  • Hello ladies :}
    Sorry that I have not posted in a while. I have been busy with college, in a good way, though. I am settling in well at college and I'm loving the course! I have not been dieting properly for a few weeks but I got back on track last Monday so I am pleased to discover that I have lost 4 lbs when I weighed in this morning xD

    I have been including apples to my diet, which is a surprise considering that I have never liked apples! I have been staying within points and if I have a chocolate, I would have a small one like Freddo (the chocolate that is shaped like a frog). I make sure to eat healthy snacks like Special K bar and Snack a Jacks. I have them with my lunch and they keep me filled up. If I still crave sweets, then I have a fat-free hot chocolate :]

    I think that's all for me today but I promise I will keep in touch often!

    Jacquie, I have to say, you look gorgeous in your avatar picture! (:
  • ddddrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggggggii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg today.
  • Hello Peeps!

    My performance reveiw was postponed for some reason. My surgical consult went fabbo. Time to wait for the phone call from the insurance lady and then I need to have an upper GI done. After that, psych eval, ekg, chest xray and blood work within the 30 days before surgery. I'll keep everyone posted!

    Hugs to all,
  • Hello ladies! Hope you all had a great day! Today's challenge was to kick up our workout, so added an extra 20 mins to my walk/jogging intervals, and did a cardio dance dvd that I hadn't done in over 2 years. Definitely feeling it right about now. Tomorrow, I'm going to try Level 1 of the Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred.

    I have a problem with late night snacking, so as of tonight, if I get hungry at all after 8pm, I'm only going to let myself have a small portion of fruit.

    Beth - Glad you are adjusting well. Hope to see you around more.

    Susannah - Hello! Hope you had a lovely day.

    Ratkitten - Have you gotten approved by your insurance, or is that what you're waiting on? Any idea of when you may be able to get the procedure? And which type of WLS have you decided to go with?
  • I'm supposed to be working on a speech, and article, and my lesson plan for Thursday. Instead, I'm piddling around. Waiting for a baseball game to start. We are having an appraisal done tomorrow for a line of credit we are working on to get a car loan. When we re-financed our mortgage to a lower rate, they sent a guy out, just two years ago, so I don't know why they need to do it again. Hopefully I will have clothes on when he comes in this time. He came at 8am last time, and I was still in bed, and the hubby didn't think it would be any big deal to let him see the bedroom. I'm just glad I didn't wake up. Himself was so in the dog house after that.
  • Ack Catherine!!! Himself would be in the doghouse for sure after that stunt. I think that's the worse he's done. hehe.

    Kayley, I've decided on the duodenal switch for WLS and am waiting on the insurance to approve. I know this is a tool and in no way "easy". I've done extensive research and am aware of all the pros and cons. I promise to keep everyone informed on my progress!

    Hugs to all,
  • Kayley ~ Where are you downloading workout videos? I was just wondering about that possibility earlier today...

    Catherine ~ Good luck with the schoolwork! I am a procrastinator when it comes to homework. Tomorrow night I'll be spending a good 4-5 hours reading a book I have a quiz over on Wednesday. It's for a "Global History of Modern Sport" class and the professor warned us the first day that it was most boring reading assignment he had for us this semster. lol.

    I didn't make the Y today but I did just finish a pretty intense 30 minute cardio workout. Quite intense for me, being that it was my first "official" workout. Gonna get to bed at a decent hour tonight and take a nice long walk after I the kids go to school in the morning.

    Also, I'm pretty sure it's time to put serious effort towards quitting smoking... anyone have experience conquering the horrible habit?
  • Hi everyone
    I'm Victoria (Vik)..I'm new

    I've had a Gym membership for almost a year and today was maybe the third time I have been. I have made a commitment to go 3 times a week on M,W,F either in the am before work or immediatly after. Today was after..I packed a gym bag and took it to work with me so there are no excuses. I am a pro at finding excuses

    Anyone know of a good site that has low cal/fat recipes...but doesn't use a lot of weird/expensive ingredients, I'm on a serious budget