Anyone using the online program

  • I am a WW drop out that cant manage to make a meeting fit with my work schedule... I end up late most of the time and hate going late. They have been advertising on TV a month free, I went to the web site and of course thye want you to pay for 3 months to get one free.... Is anyone using the online WW??? Considering it, but just not sure....

    Thanks in advance.
  • I started online over 3 months ago, I have never tried WW before, so I have never been to meetings. I follow the WW points, and out of curiousity, I track calories on the daily plate site.
  • I started ww online about a month and a half ago and I love it. I'm on my computer constantly so it works so much better for me to track things that way. I also love the recipe builder function that allows you to add all the ingredients in a recipe and then split it into however many servings it makes and then tells you the points of every serving (which might not be the same as all the items added together and divided by the number of servings). I also don't have the time to go to meetings and I've heard people say that they are often boring and cheesy. The price is better and the resources are just as good. The only thing I miss out on is all the supplies and food that apparently you can buy at the meetings but I think most of those things can be purchased online if you look. I definitely recommend it.
  • I went to meetings for about 5 months but can't fit them into my schedule now (or at least, can't find a time there's a meeting and I wouldn't have to take my kids, which is NOT a good idea, I've learned the hard way!). So I'm doing WW online now.
  • I was doing WW online for a year or so, and I still pay for it. But it just wasn't working for me. Evening going to meetings for 6 months didn't work me. All I lost was money. So I went back to sparkpeople - I keep my WW online just for the recipes.

    I really like the WW online, nice program and simple to use. But the points thing just wasn't for me.

    Also, I like that I can use sparkpeople from my blackberry - what can I say, I am a nerd.
  • I recently started WW online and you can use it on your phone as well. I have an iPhone and wish it was an app, but it's easy enough to bookmark the site.

    I like the ability to diet on my own without being able to use the fact that I can't make a meeting to justify a splurge, or use a change in weigh-in dates to justify lackluster weight loss.

    The key to success most noted by those using both online and meeting methods is tracking- I think tracking online takes a lot of the guesswork out of the equation, and it's much easier/less obvious to be recording points on your phone or computer than to pull out your paper tracker, points calculator, and a pen every time you eat.

    Whichever you chose, I wish you great success!
  • I've actually only done the online...the meeting thing just doesn't work for my personality type. Plus with my schedule (I work from 4pm til 12AM typically) I'd have to drive all over town to make it on time.

    Now that I've figured out how to do the points thing, I actually canceled my membership and just keep track of my points on paper. I would definitely keep it if I had more money but I'm a student on a fixed income....
  • I did WW last year and I would go to meetings, but then I stopped losing and it was so hard to go to a meeting knowing that I might not lose any weight that week.

    Then I tired doing it for a while on my own.... which obviously did not work

    So I am online now, it's easier and I can afford it. I really like the interface and I find it really easy to do!