W.O.W. BOO! Halloween Challenge~~INVITATION and WEEK 1

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  • BOO~ Welcome to the W.O.W. Halloween Challenge! Anybody who wants a 8 weeks of a challenge come and join our wonderfull little group.

    For any newbies, the traditional copy and paste:

    Women on... WHAT??

    Okay, let me explain that "Women on WEED" is not what you might be thinking. During previous challenges, a group of us formed a great bond, and we've been challenge buddies ever since. We use the word "WEED" as a mnemonic device to set daily goals, an easy and very specific way to remind yourself during your day to take care of your body, and to nurture your Mind, Mouth and Muscles... it really does help. After all, we are all taking this a day at a time, right?

    If you join this challenge, you will see it often - and you are encouraged to give it a try. Here's what it stands for:

    W - Water intake. Set a daily goal for how much water you're going to drink. Although there is conflicting research as to how much to actually consume in a day, we all agree it is important to drink lots to stay healthy. So make it a goal!

    E - Exercise. Efficient, healthy weight loss isn't going to happen unless you incorporate some kind of physical activity in your life. Everyone does it differently; some go to the gym, some work out at home, and some find ways to sneak in little bits of exercise all throughout the day. Set yourself a goal, even if it's small. Little bits done often WILL add up over time!

    E - Eats. Being that we all have different eating plans and weight loss philosophies, this is sort of a wild card. Whatever plan you're on, set yourself a plan-appropriate daily eating goal for the day. Don't forget to make it specific!

    D - Daily goal/Daily affirmation. This is another wild card. It doesn't even have to be weight-loss related! This is the spot where you list something you want to get accomplished. Or, you can use "D" for a a daily affirmation - it's an opportunity to say something good and positive about yourself. Sometimes, when we fall short - and we ALL do sometime - we are tempted to berate ourselves. Although it's good to recognize when we don't reach our goals, it's also good to remind ourselves of the awesome parts of ourselves. So go ahead and remind yourself of that in the "D" part of WEED.

    Well here it is! Jump right in, tell us about yourselves, your goals, your home lives, your healthy plan, etc. We LOVE newbies! And we LOVE our regulars! Welcome back!
  • Good Morning everyone.

    My name is Jeni, I have two kids and one DH. I work an odd schedule but I do 12 hour shifts so I get atleast 3 workouts in a week.

    Well I closed last week off by hitting my lowest weight, 142. So then as my weekend happened, and my gym being closed and terrible weather, I had absolutely no ambition to do anything except for eat terribly. UGG Why oh WHY did I do it? Not only did I eat terribly but I had two sodas. So officially the scale said 148 Since I know there is no way I consumed 21000 calories over the past 3 days I am going to blame the weight gain on no water and a ton of sodium. But I have to take responsibility for my actions.

    Week 1: 148

    My goal weight for this challenge will be 138.

    I will get to my weight by:

    W~drinking 80-100 oz of water a day
    E~I will do 45 minutes of cardio on all my days off plus 20 minutes of weights then 15 minutes of abs and stretching.
    E~I will eat `1200 calories CLEAN ones. fruit veggies and lean meats. I will also eat no or little carbs in the evening.
    D~my daily goals will be to keep moving on my days off
  • Hi girls and Happy Labor Day! Hope we all have fab holidays. Nothing like kicking off a new challenge to get the motivation going. Especially in the midst of a full on junk food binge. I thought I'd be doing so much better with the kids back in school, but I'm doing so much WORSE! Well let's break it down.

    I am Michelle, age 33. Mom of Robert, 9 and Rachel, 5. (4th grade and kindergarten), Wife of Mike. I'm a nurse, currently on sabbatical (ha ha), leave to work on some issues with addiction and depression. (BTW! I went to Columbus Friday to meet with the board of nursing and they said I can get my license back in NOVEMBER! If I continue doing well! WOW!)

    W- Water is always the easy one for me, I drink LOTS of water. I broke a pepsi habit a few years ago, and today, I'm just not a pop person anymore. Not to say that I don't drink it while I'm on binge mode, like NOW, but I really just DON'T LIKE IT! I do a little Crystal lite, iced tea and G2 gatorade but none of them as much. So I aim for 3 Liters a day.

    E- I tend to be a gym person, though I haven't been there in months. Literally months. But I have been walking on the nature trails around here since the weather has been nice. I figure even if I was going to the gym, I'd be only doing cardio anyhow so I might as well be doing it outside while I can. The gym offers 9:30am classes though, so I could make those. That will be my goal this challenge, maybe one class a week. So my goal will be 4 days/week either walking or gym.

    E- I try to keep it clean. Lean meats, white meat (wish I liked fish more but I don't) fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, no white sugar, flour, bread. In fact I love my breakfasts, usually Fiber one and a fruit or Eggbeaters/veggies and a fruit, Lunch is usually soup/sandwich (lots of subway, or grilled chicken salads from McD's if I'm out, or Arbys turkey/no dressing) but I get stuck over dinner. Feeding a family with two fussy kids and a husband who wants to lose weight but *****es about the food is a challenge in itself. One week, I planned a menu, actually prepared everything I could that Sunday, and had lovely meals every day that week. It was a great idea, saved us money on groceries, and helped not to eat so much fast food on a busy schedule.

    D- KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID! (KISS) I also try to live by the Serenity prayer. God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. I am very focused on my recovery and am getting in touch with my spiritual side, going to church and feeling better. But I must be missing some piece of the puzzle, because I think my disease (addiction) is still slipping in through the cracks and telling me that the binging is okay. Like if I give into the overeating, maybe I'll have a drink....and if I'm drinking, it should be okay to have a PILL....you know where this would go, right? I just have a really visual picture of the disease, trying to be sneaking, cunning and get back into my life. So I think I'll try out a local Overeaters Anonymous meeting. Tuesdays at 7pm. I already know some about OA through the principles of NA/AA. And I tend to feel better when I'm working my program, going to lots of meetings, reading the literature, DOING the work, going to church. So I need to make that a priority!!!! If I'm sitting around at home, playing on the computer or whatever, I am not out there working my program. So I need to make a schedule and stick to it. Even if it means going to exercise then showing up at a meeting all stinky and sweaty before I get cleaned up.

    Okay, I'm out there on a tangent. But I love you girls, love these challenges and love the friendships I've made here. Oh and I am going to hold myself to my fitday blog....I'll plut it in my profile. Check it for me once in awhile and call me out on it if I slack off too much on it. Plus I think I'll put the week to week in my siggy, and make a cute halloween tracker. Okay off to work. See you all soon. I'll link Amy (HolyT) to this and tell her to get over here. xoxox Michelle
  • Alrighty now! The new challenge. Thank you LORD! I'm ready to battle. Good Luck everyone!

    Jen... the weight will come off again. You are a superhero. You can do this!

    I'm motived to shed my pounds because the talk of wedding bells is in the air (although I STILL haven't had an official proposal ~ I hope it comes soon). So I have 1 BF, 1 DS (20), and 3 step kids (9, 7, 4). I work full time, and co-own a business with BF which I end up working on non kid weekends. Life is busy, but we all have the same 24 hours a day ~ the difference is what we choose to do with them! Starting today, at least 1 hour per day will be just mine!

    SW: 209.6 (CRAP!... I ate too much fun barbeque stuff yesterday)
    GW: 193.4 (1% a week, 8 weeks)

    WEED: This week
    W: 64 today... I have slacked hard!
    E: Walk with the dog tonight & Fitness Mag Work out
    E: Mindful. Don't have all the right stuff, but can chose wisely
    D: Get a new pair of tennis shoes purchased today.

    Okay, off to start my day. Happy Labor Day every one!
  • Hi ladies!

    I'm Julie. I've never done the whole WEED thing.. but it looks like something that will really help me stay motivated.

    I'm 29 and a vegetarian with a very supportive, meat eating boyfriend. I work in public relations and I love being outside and also working hard in the gym. Over the past few years my weight has gone up and down. I tend to lose a fair amount then fail to maintain.

    Three weeks ago I decided it was time to get back in shape. I started at 144 pounds and have since lost three pounds. I've also been tracking my measurements which have been much more friendly than the scale. I'm really concerned about feeling healthy and in shape as I enter the 30 zone. I also want to set a good example for my family and friends to encourage them to pursue healthy lifestyles.

    So here we go! I vow to be spooktacular. (muahaha!)

    Week 1: 141
    Goal: 131

    W: Drink four glasses before any other beverage.
    E: I will exercise an hour a day for five days of the week, mixing cardio and weights.
    E: I will maintain 1500 calories, incorporating fruit and vegetables whenever possible.
    D: I am stronger than yesterday!
  • There! I'm done playing for now. Happy to see you Jeni, Kris and Julie on board! Start the smack talk, I think it might motivate me more too. I'll pop back on later tonight or tomorrow for sure, hope to see some newbies and my old regs. Love you all, let's do this! xoxox Michelle
  • Hi everyone! I'm so happy to have found a Halloween challenge YAY! I'd like to join in if that's ok?

    So here goes, I'm a 27 year old newbie vegan (July) living in NJ. I just finished a labor day challenge over on the veggie board and weigh in was today. As of today I weigh 193 and my goal for the end of this challenge will be 178. I know it sounds like a strange number to shoot for but the first time I lost most of my weight was in 2003 and that's the smallest I've ever been as an adult so it's like a mini goal for me! I'm not on a specific diet just trying to eat healthy and I've been running and doing yoga classes. I'm just now starting weights.

    Halloween is my favorite time of the year and I can't wait to pick out my costume! Good luck everyone!

    sw: 193
    gw: 178

    W: drink at least 64oz. of water or herbal tea everyday.

    E: Run 4 days a week, yoga 2-3 days a week, weights 3 days a week, and at least 10,000 steps on none running days.

    E: Watch portion sizes and don't eat when I'm bored.

    D: Meditate at least 10 minutes everyday (keeps me calm at work).
  • Hi All! I'm back from the land of self sabatoge. I'm trying to get the eating back in control and started the C25K program again. I was a lost soul during our summer challenge and got to get back to healhy living. My starting weight is 173 and want to see 165 by the end of this challenge; plus I'm going to take measurements.

    Welcome Newbies!
  • Julie and Gypsy! Happy to have you join our challenge!

    Grazer I'm glad you are back. Keep on coming, we miss you.

    Michelle I am so glad you get your license back soon I am heading over to the fresh fruit stand and grabbing some good stuff to eat and I am incorporating fish into our lives twice a week. DH wants to loose too so I am going to help him, or at least try.

    Kris~ I am so excited I cant wait for your official proposal! Now we are going to get you to your goal by June!!!

    Heading to clean up so kids can have friends over!
  • Hey all, I am also going to get back on the wagon!!
    I am Mavis, 43, married, and 2 kids in college, still drowning in tears about that, but trying to get better as I know they need to be there. I have a super stressful job and am taking some night classes as well

    I have been off the wagon for the summer but am trying to get back on.
    Schedule should help. I was down to the 140's in April when we went on vacation but have climbed ever since!!

    W 100 oz, every day, need to get that down, was awesome with it once, now not so much
    E Something everyday, minimum 45 minutes. Today I spent over an hour stacking wood. That counts darn it!
    E Plan and stick to it
    D One step at a time, really struggle with depression. Trying not to medicate. Long story but need to stick with what works for me.

    Welcome Newbies and glad to see my old friends too! Let's rock this.
    Off to crunch while I watch the Yankees!!
  • Thought I would start right out with this even befor I read the first few posts.

    WEEK 1: the week of the Bat: 256.5
    WEEK 2: the week of the Ghost:
    WEEK 3: the week of the Vampire:
    WEEK 4: the week of the Jack-o-Lantern:
    WEEK 5: the week of Frankenstein:
    WEEK 6: the week of the black cat:
    WEEK 7: the week of the zombie:
    WEEK 8: the week of witch:
    WEIGH OUT, Saturday, October 31st...TRICK? OR TREAT?

    I have to go do my workout before dark. I will be back later with my official results from last challenge and new goals for this one.
  • Just did an hour of Wii Fit. it felt good to do something, but I miss my treadmill.
  • Okay!! that was fun. I have strained a muscle in my thigh and it is making me take things slower than I want.

    Anyway!! I started the last challenge at 185 and today I finish with 181. So only 4 pounds. Not that great, but I'll take it. At least I have seen 179 this month and aim to again. Those of you who know me understand my slow losing and my ups and downs. Girls, it's true. It gets harder after 40.

    Yep, I am 49 and mom to 2 young adults. DD is 24 and DS is 21. I teach elementary school and this year I am in 4th grade. Tomorrow we start with children. I have been back for about 2 weeks though getting ready. For those of you who don't know me, you will learn that Icount calories and workout almost everyday.

    I was thinking about my slow losing the other day and realized it is probably a blessing in disguise. i am staying pretty firm as I lose. Some people who lose so quickly just end up a bag of flab. I am hoping that doesn't happen to me.

    8 weeks, huh?? Knowing how slow i lose I think I will set my goal at 174. That is 7 pounds. 3.5 per month. That is doable. Well ladies, let's rock it. I wanna be a sexy, skinny witch for Halloween.
  • Just back from the dog walking! I did it!

    Welcome Julie and Gypsy! to my little Grazer! Wipe you tears away my Mavie.... and Tiggie and Jen I lay myself at your mercy.. make me a blushing bride. Nchellie... gonna do it again! Woot! I'm more pumped up than my exercise ball ladies!

    Got BF to walk with me tonight. Was a quick one, but enough for my overly grown arse to sweat up a storm. Was nice (below 90) for once today and was perffect fro a pre dinner stroll.
    1st exercise I have done in 2months I bet.

    Got my new shoes, they work BOOtifully.... Borrowing Mindy's hallorific breakdown for weightdown! Wait... Mindy got it from... Nchellies sig... so I'm stealing from you both! Oh and I am reissuing my new and higher starting weight. Poopers!

    WEEK 1: the week of the Bat: 209.6
    WEEK 2: the week of the Ghost:
    WEEK 3: the week of the Vampire:
    WEEK 4: the week of the Jack-o-Lantern:
    WEEK 5: the week of Frankenstein:
    WEEK 6: the week of the black cat:
    WEEK 7: the week of the zombie:
    WEEK 8: the week of witch:
    WEIGH OUT, Saturday, October 31st...TRICK? OR TREAT?
  • Morning my friends. Yay its Tuesday! Ok not a real YAY but it is tuesday. So I work today. I will have no problem with cals today If I can muster up some energy I will go to the gym for a nice run after work. But chances are I will have to wait until tomorrow for a good workout.

    Mak starts school tomorrow. 45 minutes to meet the teacher and find out what bus she will be taking and stuff. Then afterwards I will babysit my nephew for a few hours. I plan on getting in a 5-7 workout tomorrow morning (I am going to take my class!) then after my sister picks up my nephew I will head back and take my kiddos to busy town for another round.

    W 80 oz
    E not much
    E 1200 clean planned cals
    D go to the gym even if it is only for 30 minutes

    So can I tell you gals somethng? This really is terrible to admit, but one of my goals since I started was to be smaller than my sister. She has always been smaller, cuter, more outgoing. . . .you know how it is. Remember that fiasco trip to AZ? Anyway I was looking at pics then and thought Hmmm I think I may be smaller, but she was in a smaller pants size and weighed less, according to her. So when I was up visiting her over the weekend, I realized I am much smaller than she is. I mean, I may weigh more (I don't think so though, I would never ask) but physically I am smaller I guess all the running pays off in more ways than one.