Trying to get back in the saddle.... sigh

  • I was doing so well. Then I was side lined with a ruptured cervical disc. I have been watching what I eat, but not always. I am on percocet daily and have had to quit going to the gym though I do still walk. I have gained back 5 pounds and am so depressed. Tuesday I will get a steriod injection in the spine and see if that will help with pain relief but am looking at surgery in a few weeks. I had thought I would be in onederland by now way back in January when I started this. Alas, it is not to be right now. It helps just to vent right now. I will start anew in the morning with ensuring I record and eat the proper foods. I haven't been going crazy but i guess I was taking in too mnay calories. Thanks for listening and keep me in your thoughts. One day at a time, one day at a time...someday...onederland. I will not quit!
  • Big big for you
  • Welcome back Buttercup! The secret is to never give up and you are not giving up. You are here and ready to tackle the weight again. Don't regret what you wish you would have done, just think about what you can do now.
  • You have to play the hand your dealt and sometimes it really bites. But your back problem is only slowing you down, not stopping you! That is pretty impressive! I am sorry you hurt and hope the shot helps you a bunch. Don't quit and try not to get too down about the number on your scale, just keep doing the best you can for where you are. Hang in there!
  • Welcome back!
  • Oh that's hard I'm sorry but I know that you can get back into the swing of things eating wise if nothing else.

    Gentle hugs...
  • Thanks so much for the positive remarks! I can't quit, I just can't. It is hard to make myself move sometimes but it does feel good to walk and not quit. Though I can no longer go for the 4 miles I was doing. I will just keep reading all the inspiring stories from all of you and keep on trucking. I am nervous about the spinal shot. Has anybody here had one? How did you feel afterwards? Thanks chickies!
  • I've been thinking about you, and I'm glad you're taking your pain killers. Now, just proper nutrition and a good side order of SELF FORGIVENESS, and you'll be well on your way. No need to beat yourself up. Weight comes off; weight goes on. It isn't a permanent "life sentence". So right now, you're just resting a bit before carrying on with your journey.

    As for the shot -- a bit painful, but not too much -- but relief for my dear neighbor. It should tide you over to surgery, and then you'll be REALLY on your way. Just focus on healing and eating for healing, and forgive the rest...

  • Good thoughts and wishes for you Buttercup to find some pain relief soon!

    I like your plan to record your food; I think it will give you a feeling of control during a difficult time.

    Please take good care and let us know how the injection goes.
  • Sorry to hear about the back, at least you have good pain meds and the shot should help.

    I know its hard because you worked hard to get up to four miles per day and now it all seems lost, but it won't take you as long when you can get moving again, mostly because you will remember how good it felt to be walking.
  • My heart goes out to you.

    Just remember doing what you can will always be better than doing nothing!

    As cfmama says, gentle hugs.
  • Sounds like you are on the right track! Even if all you can control right now is your food then you are taking a huge step in the right direction!
  • That's rough...

    I know how you feel about thinking you would be farther ahead. I thought I would be in Onederland a month ago when I started in January, but life happens. As it is, you've made great progress so far and you'll continue to do great. Sometimes it just takes a little longer than we planned.
  • It is you all who keep me going. Thank you. I am now minus 2 pounds of the 5 gained. Maybe it is water fluctuations. I don't know. I know some bodily functions are a whole lot slower while taking pain meds! I know...TMI! I am looking forward to tuesday and the shot (i think). Keep me in your thoughts! And I will keep reading and celebrating all of your victories!