September Chick Chatter!

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  • Morning all!

    I haven't really caught up - welcome to all our new faces, to those who need it, hope everyone is doing okay. Hope - STOP beating yourself up!! We all do it, we all hate ourselves, we all know it is a horrible downward spiral effect... Thinking of you. Hang tough, chick!! Make good choices TODAY - yesterday does NOT matter now!

    September already... back to school today for me.

    Will check in soon!
  • Good Morning,

    WOW September, if officially feels like summer is over even though we have 21 more days left of it lol.

    Heather .... enjoy school chickie, how's the new bod feeling?

    I'm off in an hour to get new adhd meds for my dd.... see ya later taters.

  • Hello everyone

    Today's going quite well; I had a 2-hour long meeting which was very productive, and afterwards had lunch and a good conversation with a colleague about depression and my past and my parents and everything.

    So now I'm going to carry on with a paper, and then this evening I'm out running.

    How are you all doing?
  • Good morning all. SOSDD, so I really have nothing fun to report. Hope everyone has a good day!

    I've been doing double the workout I normally do and have been extra careful with calories. Regardless the scale has moved up instead of down. Ooof. So... instead of letting the numbers discourage me, I've decided I need to come up with a system of goals that are NOT number related (well, lbs related numbers anyway).

    I was doing fairly well with the whole diet blog thing, but I feel off the wagon with that quite easily. It seems I felt too redundant posting what I wanted to say on these forums and in my diet blog. I should start it again though - especially to keep track of exercising.

    So, here are my new ‘goals’...

    Ultimate Goal:
    Old: Reach 150 LBS.
    New: Fit comfortably into a size 8

    Mini Goals:
    Old: 199
    • Fit into size 14 jeans.
    • Exercise for at least 6 days a week, including:
      • Do 30 Day Shred every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
      • Complete 30 DS, move onto Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones (without dying) and do every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
      • Do at least 30 minutes of cardio on Tuesday, Thursdays, Saturday, Sunday
      • Do at least 45 minutes of cardio on Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
    • Remain under 1700 gross calories a day (net will be around 1300-1400).
    • Start Shopping smarter so I can save money AND be healthy.
  • Salsa - I'm adding you to my blogroll.
  • Quote: Salsa - I'm adding you to my blogroll.
  • Good morning,

    Aww Hope today is a new day.

    Leenie I find canning to be fairly easy especially fruits and pickles.

    marbear congrats on the new goals. I'm way to number oriented, it gets so discouraging after a while.

    Salsa sounds like you are having a good day so far.

    Hard to believe its September already, where on earth did the summer go? I'm so grateful that we had good weather, I just wish I had managed to get out and enjoy it more somehow. We have until next Tuesday before school starts here, so we have a trip to the jeans store to get in this week. I haven't been getting out for my walks and the stupid scale is going back up, not impressed.

    Take care everyone and I hope you have a wonderful day.
  • Hi, just wanted to join in here and say you all are such an inspiration to me. I have been calorie counting and exercising and in August I lost a whopping 15 pounds! I did not expect that and I am so very pleased with myself.

    I have a pdoc appointment right after Labor Day and I am sure she will be pleased with my progress. Before embarking on this weight loss journey I had talks with my pdoc and my reg doc about what it would take to reach my goals. They have both been very supportive and had great ideas for me.

    I have been keeping a food journal, keeping my calories to no more than 1,500 a day, making sure I get at least 5 servings of fruit and veggies and exercising every day, even if it just playing with my granddaughter or going for short walks at work on my breaks.
  • Hello everyone,

    hope you're all doing at least ok today.

    buddly - I know what you mean about it being September already. One the one hand it feels good to me to get back into the rhythm of things, but on the other it would have been nice to have a little bit more time off. However, the Summer was really stressful for me, so I think on the whole I'm glad I can move on.

    hydra - hi, welcome August was my first month too (well, ok, I started in the last week of July) and lots of pounds came off. I hope you continue to do well

    This morning I had an appointment at a clinic, which was quite nerve-wracking, but ok. I now have meds, which apparently make you fuzzy - so I'll have to be careful out on my bike!
  • Good Morning Ladies..

    I haven't caught up on the post yet. Will do that sometime today. I've just been feeling crappy the last week. I don't know why. Trying to get back into a routine.

    Hope everyone has a good day..
  • Morning all. Welcome to the newbies!

    I've been doing very well on my diet. Today isn't a good day emotionally, so I'm afraid I'll end up sabatoging myself. I'm going to try very hard not to though. I've detailed it in my blog is anyone is interested - but don't feel like getting into it again. Mostly because it makes me think I'm totally crazy.

    Hope everyone has a good and on-plan day.
  • Hello ladies,

    how are things going today?

    This morning I started on my meds...with mixed feelings. Before now I'd just had stuff to help me sleep, and now I have Real Anti-Depressants (har har). I'd read all the paperwork that came with them, along with the injunction to never come off the medication without consulting your doctor, and that you need to be on them for an average of six months at the least.

    It was with some trepidation that I took it this morning. I know, it's just the first one. I dunno - maybe it's like, right, this is it, I'm committed to improving my mental health too, now. This isn't a wagon I can just let myself fall off, because from what I've read the consequences of "forgetting" to take your meds can possibly be quite nasty. In that sense it's just a bit overwhelming.

    Ok, enough of me.

    marbear - I'm off to read your blog now

    purefire - I hope that the next few days will be better than the past for you. I'm sure they will.
  • Salsa, I think it depends on which meds you are on. I know there is one that a friend of mine used to take that if she forgot she felt nauseous. Most of them however I've found have no consequence if you forget a pill, except maybe being depressed again if you miss a few days. I'm not advocating skipping doses or quitting abruptly, but I just don't want you to worry too much them, they are there to make you feel better and usually do.

    Purefire, hope you feel better soon.

    Marbear, how did the day go? Did you stay on plan. I know it probably helped to vent in your blog. I've been meaning to write out some goals and mini-goals myself. Dh will be out of town this weekend so that would be a good time to do it.

    Heather, how is school going so far? Has anybody commented on the new body? Do they even know?
  • Hope - I had a great day OP, thanks for asking (see below). Mini goals are great. You should start a blog - they're fun if you remember them! Rememberig is something I need to work on.

    Salsa - I'm on welbutrin. If I forget for a couple of days it's like I have PMS. Not bad for me, not so pleasant for the hubby My husband used to be on Paxil and he got pure evil if he forgot. So Hope is right, it really depends on the medicin - and the person.

    Pure - Feel better

    Heather - Hope reminded me - I meant to ask for a new body update. You havn't mentioned feeling bad - so does that mean you feel good and are rockin the awesome new bod?

    I didn't end up sabotaging myself yesterday, which was awesome! I actually did really well. My net caorie goal is 1550. I ate 2099 and burned off 576 leaving me with 1523 . (in actuality, my HRM said I burned 644 calories, and I didn't eat all of my dinner - so I was a bit lower. But I like over estimating calories and under estimating exercise - makes me feel better!)

    As far as why I was in a funk - I kind of feel like a jerk about that now. In short, I was all blah because I don't have any of my "own" friends. There are my DH's friends and "our" friends (all of "my" friends from HS and College have converted to "our" friends). I want "my" friends so when he's off with his I can be off with mine. I.e. - Tomorrow, he was supposed to go to his friends house leaving me alone - alone is not a good place for me to be. I can VERY easily work myself into a severe depression. After I went off about it in my blog, I found out his friend asked if I was coming and decided to make it a cook out so I would be included {insert me feeling like an a$$}.Sigh. In either case, I'd still like to have a friend that's "mine".

    Hope everyone has a good day. Those who have a long weekend - enjoy.

  • I would love to stay and play but the boss lady is here

    I'll catch up this weekend.

    to the new Chickies
