Sharing what my trainer did....

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  • Hi Friends! May I take a moment to share what my trainer did? I've been working with this training company for the past year and they've been the backbone to my success thus far and I know they'll be there with me through this journey. We've also become great friends through this journey. It's been such an experience and I'm doing my best to enjoy every moment of it.

    I went to the training studio today and found this....

    They had previously asked me if they could do something like this because they didn't want me to be upset. Just standing there looking at those words was such a super cool feeling.

  • That really is Super Cool!
  • Wow what a tribute to the hard work you have done to make yourself fit and healthy. You go girl!!
  • I love it!
  • WOW!!! That's so sweet!

  • Wow, that's wonderful! Great job to you and how absolutely sweet of them!
  • That is so awesome!!
  • That is awesome!
  • So well deserved!
  • Congratulations !
  • Well Done....looks like you found a great place to help you through this journey.
  • How cool! Well deserved kudos!
  • How kind! and how well deserved!
  • WOW! What a great picture! That is one for the scrapbook! Congrats on your loss!
  • How encouraging and sweet of them - and you totally deserve the recognition, too!