Why Exercise Won't Make you thin

  • Since everyone seems to be jumping on board with exercise I wanted to share these debating articles.

    Please take it all with a grain of salt though


    And the rebuttal..

  • Thanks for the LA Times article! I've read the Time article and been in several discussions on it, but hadn't seen any response yet!
  • Good information to have in the back pocket.. Although let's hope that grain of salt is Morton's Lite

    When I was taking some personal training classes a couple of years ago, my trainer basically said that you can exercise until you're blue in the face, but if you don't make a complete lifestyle change, you're not going to lose weight..
  • It may not make you thin, but it will make you live longer
  • Good article Kristin...its funny, I SOMEWHAT agree with the article. As you can see on my ticker, I am down 35 pounds, most of this was with a change in diet, where I lost 25 pounds, the gym was not incorporated until later, which has helped me lose nother 10 (with a strict diet of course). So...that being said, I got to the gym 5 days a week for 1 hour, my schedule caries between cardio and weights and then spinning and absplus classes, I am very strict on my schedule and do not slack at all. In addition, I run 2 miles 7 days a week and have been doing 30DS for the past 16 days (EVERYDAY) - I know, this seems a bit excessive but believe it or not, I truely do enjoy it. Point being...all that said...have I lost anymore weight with all the extreme exercise and balance diet - NOPE, not one bit. BUT...I do feel physcially better and there is definition in places that I never thought would see the light of day again, lol.

    Anyway...thats just some of my insight on the topic. Great article.
  • Quote: When I was taking some personal training classes a couple of years ago, my trainer basically said that you can exercise until you're blue in the face, but if you don't make a complete lifestyle change, you're not going to lose weight..
    So true- my friend eats like crap and exercises like mad then doesn't know why he's not losing. I keep saying when you eat out TWO TIMES a day it doesn't matter if you work out two hours a day...

    Exercise is good, it does help, but it won't make you lose weight if you eat terribly.
  • I read another article as a rebuttal to this article

    It had 3 main points.

    Exercise can protect your muscle.
    So if you do lose, you will lose more fat. Which really isn't that the definition of "thinner"

    Exercise helps you stick to your diet.

    Exercise may target belly fat. In the same study that the original author claimed that there were no differences, there were. Those who exercised saw their waist measurements shrink much more. The more exercise, the thinner the waists got. That is thinner to me too!

    The scale is not everything to the story of being thinner.
  • I agree - when I exercise regularly, I can SEE the change in my body much more than just by eating correctly. That, in turn, keeps me on plan and completes a "success circle".