New Fat Chick

  • Hey All,

    I am new here (obviously). Been overweight for as long as I can remember. I have tried EVERYTHING. Well, almost. I am afraid of the miracle pills out there. Obesity runs in the family, and I am convinced there is a genetic reason that I have so much trouble losing and keeping weight off. My daughter got heavy right when she hit puberty just like I did. Until then we were both skinny. I am not using this as an excuse, I know I could be healthy if I put the effort into it.
    I am almost 40 (YIKES) and have two daughters. My 9 year old is disabled and required a lot of lifting, which is difficult when one is overweight.

    My ideal weight is about 140 which is 50 pounds from where I am.

    Can't wait to 'meet' some of you.

  • Hi Becca and welcome to 3FC!

    Good luck with your goals.

  • good luck with your goals!
  • Welcome! Good luck w/your goals. There's tons of info on this site and everyone is so helpful so if you need anything, just ask.
  • Hi and welcome!
    Have you ever had your hormones checked out? Just an idea since it occured at puberty for both you and your daughter. I think there are some free online tests you can take that will help you pinpoint if you might have something off with your thyroid or gonads, etc. Just a thought!
  • Hi! I also had a problem loosing weight and keeping it off. I went to my Dr. and I actually had a problem with my thyroid. If you haven't been checked for that I would suggest you try that. Thyroid issues can also be genetic so maybe your daughter has the same issue..??
  • I have had my thyroid checked many times. It is enlarged, but functioning just fine according to the docs. My fatigue level would say otherwise though. Thx for the suggestion.
