Weekly Chat: July 29- August 2

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  • Good Morning Everyone:

    Vickie left us a message this morning on last week's thread, saying she would be back on Wednesday and wishing us a good two days.

    I've been to spinning class and now have to get ready to go to the office.

    I heard on the radio this morning that it hasn't even been as hot as 85F in Toronto this summer. Of course, we're not alone. The DJ said that 3000 reporting stations in the US are reporting temperatures at least 8 degrees cooler than normal, mostly in the northeast and the southeast.

  • Good Morning Ladies

    I'm happy to report that I lost 5-lbs out of 8 gained on my cruise so,its looking good that I started shifting calories,the day after our return.

    I'm also happy to report at my over indulgence of of my low day didn't harm my effects to get the first 5-lbs off.

    Today I'm going to work on my food journal for this week, and try to stay under 500 on my low day,not like I did this week.

    Sandra-thanks for your congrats,I hope to make it this time around as I would love to hit my goal by the end of this year.

    SLOANE-Thanks for your congrats also,one good thing about our HHH days of summer you tend to eat lite with more garden salads and fruit thrown in to make it more refreshing.

    RHONDA-Thanks for starting us up again week after week. Yes I saw that,hope she has a wonderful time with her family. Hope the weather is good for the finial of the Canadian Open as it was postponed again yesterday afternoon on account of rain.

    VICKIE-BIG CONGRATS on your 1.4 weight loss,you're really doing terrific on the JC system.
  • Hey chickies! I'm busy as usual. Today, we are working outside and inside. DH and DS are burying downspout drain pipes and I am relocating "junk. Since we are starting to work in our family room, I am moving all of our stuff to the upstairs play room. Once I get all of our mess in one place, I plan to take about 20-30 minutes every day after school to go through it to throw away/organize it. I am one of those people who tends to get distracted, so I'm hoping that having everything in one room will alleviate that problem.

    Maryann-sounds like your plan is working. Keep up the good work!

    Rhonda-it really has been cooler here this summer. How is your BP? I hope things are going well!

    I hope the rest of you are having a productive day! I have to work at our school's preregistration tonight from 5:30 to 8:30, so I'll bbl
  • How did everyone do today?

    I did OK, very low calorie and all Core. Of course, I'm hungry! I might eat a little before bed because I'm supposed to have a fasting blood sugar done at 11AM tomorrow. Otherwise, all is good.

    And, NO rain today.

  • Rhonda-I've been op all day. I would love some chocolate, but I don't have any. It's probably a good thing that I don't!

    Good luck with your FBS tomorrow!
  • Good Morning Ladies

    Nothing new to report, after yesterday W-I. Going to follow the same strategy asI did before and see if it will work again.

    Its very humid on the cape this morning,I think this time we are going to put the A/C in the living room, as we stalled the action due to the nice sea breezes we get in the afternoon. My sinuses are really bothering me,don't want to do anything but veg for the day.

    SLOAN-I wish I had you strength & ambition ,my basement is a mess I have empty cardboard boxes that here to be broken up put in a pile tried with string and thrown in the dump. That project was suppose to be done before we left on the cruise and it still isn't done.

    RHONDA-Eating wise I went a little over board with my supper,and than with snacking. Have to keep my hands busy but its to hot to finish my crocheted sofa throw cover.Hope your FBS was ok.
  • Mornin' y'all!

    The countdown is on! I go back to work on Friday morning I can say that I have had a good summer, so I won't complain too much I think the pms monster got me last night, and I went on an eating frenzy. I am too embarrassed to list what I ate. Oh well, to paraphrase Miss Scarlett, "today" is another day! I used to think "starting over" meant I had failed, but I now realize the problem starts when you quit "starting over". So onward and upward or downward as the case may be!

    I have more junk to shift around today, so I'd better get busy. You all have a great day!!
  • Hi:

    Sloan, I'm with Maryann...I need your energy!! I've stayed home this afternoon and we're painting the kitchen. That means covering the one wall painted in chili pepper red into a white one. I LOVE my red wall, but ...

    And, then there are the parrot green drawer fronts. I had my kitchen looking like a Mexican cantina. That's not exactly "southern Ontario"!

    We had a home inspection today. There's a few things we should do, but nothing too serious, as in there are no termites. Those a BIG problem in Toronto in the area where I live.

    I couldn't find my paper work for the blood work, but I did get the bone density scan and the mammogram. I got a new blood work form and will do it in the morning. Not a big deal.

    I lost about 1/2 pound. Boy, I'm almost hoping I have a thyroid problem I have never done so much exercise and had so much trouble losing weight. My age is catching up with me, I'm sure.

    It's really humid here too Maryann, but not hot. The rain has really hurt the crops, I hear.


  • Hi All

    I didn't realize I hadn't posted since Friday

    To answer questions although I'm not sure who asked what:

    Ravelry - is a knitting/crocheting community. It is really cool and has thousands of posts on its forum every day, sometimes I just get lost.

    DH is doing well, tomorrow he goes to the dr and gets the staples out. Hopefully everything will look good. But he's healing much faster this time (I know it wasn't as big a surgery but.....) Now if his colon just figures out how to work right....

    The farmer's market had loads of stuff, I really enjoy going and getting fresher ingredients than the store.

    My goal for this week is to begin getting back on track and I've decided to take baby steps 1) No wine except at nephew's b-day on Sat 2) Walk every day (at least 5/7) 3) drink water!!! Next week I will start tracking again and try to go back to core foods.

    Well I should go get dinner started. Have a great night everyone.

  • We had lunch out today and did well. Working in the yard? Lots of sweating going on with that. It's not as hot as it was but the humidity is really high. (That's my weather report for today. )

    Congratulations, Maryann. You're very focused.

    So are you, Rhonda. I need to have some of your "to it ness" rub off onto me.
  • Rhonda, interesting you mentioned your thyroid. I am hypothyroid and one way I can tell if my meds are off and I need an increase is when my blood pressure goes up! The last time I needed it fixed, my blood pressure was running 140/100-110. Once my levels were back to where I need them, it went back to normal. I wonder if you do have something going on. There are a lot of other symptoms of hypothyroid - brittle nails, dry skin and hair, heart palpatations. If you search on the web there are a few sites that have a Dr checklist of symptoms to talk to your doctor about. HTH

    Well, today was HOT HOT HOT. I ran my errands and then went for a bike rid. DD over the weekend figured out how to ride a two wheeler without training wheels. She was at a friends and when I went to pick her up, there she was riding around without any problems. The girls ride their razor scooters like mad --those have let them get their balance so riding a bike isn't a problem. There are 3 girls in our neighborhood all the same age -- they all were riding without training wheels last saturday. So, we got her a new big girl bike on sunday. It was her first new bike - all the others were hand me downs. So I pulled my bike out of the basement and cleaned it off.

    My ride today was great -- I went about 5 miles. The one thing I found great about riding, there was no way I was going to walk a bike. So I had to push on and keep going. When I was running/walking, it was very easy to not push myself and walk. It was actually fun!!

    Well, off to have a smoothie. I'm doing OK foodwise. I need to track my non core foods a bit better. Tomorrow is a new day!

    Donna, do you crochet or knit? I crochet and I'm looking for a baby sweater pattern that is easy for a beginner. Any suggestions? My niece is due in December, I thought I'd give it a try.

    Sloan, when do the students come back to school? DD starts on Sept 2nd, which is very early for us. Normally they don't go back until after labor day.

    HI Vickie, Maryann and Sandra! You too Nancy!
  • Hey chicks! I have a big prayer request. DH had some heart rhythm problems this afternoon, and the cardiologist had me take him to the emergency room. Long story short, they kept him, and he will have an arteriogram tomorrow. All of the tests they did this afternoon were normal, so I'm cautiously optimistic. I'll try to post tomorrow afternoon and tell you how things went. Thanks in advance for your prayers!
  • Sloan, HUGS. Keep us posted. Keeping him in my prayers.
  • Thanks, Paula

    I'm on my way back to the hospital. DH called and is doing fine. His test will be around 12 or 1 o'clock this afternoon. I'll update you all when I can.