Back Fat [Warning, graphic pics!]

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  • OKAY. SO.

    I'm so envious of women who don't gain weight on their backs, because I get back fat ROLLS. They make it impossible to wear anything cute or backless, because... my god, no one wants to see that. It's a weirdly embarrassing place to get chunky.

    BUT! Omigod, omigod. I hadn't checked out my back in a while, and I took pics today, unable to contain myself, and... the back fat is going away!!!!!!! I'm so over the moon thrilled, it's RIDICULOUS!!!! I can't wait for it all to be gone!!!

    Warning, I'm in my bra and an ugly pair of bike shorts in these pics:

    Anyone else have the epic back fat issues?
  • yes! and i HATE IT..but the lower back fat is starting to melt away-thats where my husband says he notices the most weight loss..congrats on your rolls going away!!!

    ps-edit-i couldnt see your pics because im here at work and its blocked-but im sure you look great
  • wow! you can def. see a difference! I hate that too, i have back fat and when i wear a shirt I get like fours rolls b/c of my bra, and my back.
    I hate it.

    And you have a nice hourglass figure I must add.
  • Wow! What a difference! You look wonderful!!
    And yes, I battle with it too...lovely over the bra bulge and such. Blech!

    Congrations on your success!! Keep up the great work!
  • Great job, I can totally see the difference! You have a lovely figure! Keep it up!
  • Ow, ow! You go girl!! I'm jealous!! Look at the bodyyyy. I can't wait to get some nice body pics up. Unfortunately, I will never have a nice tummy like you ever since I gave birth. Keep it up!
  • Yes, ive got it. But I do notice a huge reduction in mine since my weight loss.
  • You are really looking nice---such a feminine curve line! Congrats!
  • I SO have mega back-fat. Ew. I must say though, you are looking really good!!
  • definitely seeing changes ^_^
    Congratz, keep it up ^^
  • YAY, your back fat is TOTALLY melting away--I see a big difference in those pictures, and I'm so excited for you! Though, to be honest, I don't think your back even looks *that* bad in the first pic... I see some rolls, sure, but methinks at least a little bit of your stress is self-induced, hehe. Especially since I think my back fat was a bajillion times worse than that when I started, but I never really stressed over it! I didn't even start taking pictures of my back until the past few months, so I can't show you the worst of it, but I do have a random picture that I took when I was somewhere between 220-200 lbs (I really don't remember) when I happened to notice that some of it had started to melt away!! (Cuz seriously, it used to be nothing but rolls, rolls, rolls down my back--ugh.) Anyways, the picture was totally on an impulse and doesn't even do my back fat justice, hehe, but hopefully you can at least take comfort in the fact that you are NOT the only one who struggles with this!

    Oh, and I think I was around 153 lbs in the second pic... I didn't even recognize myself, because I deffff don't look that thin from the front, not even in a pic taken from the exact same position/same time/etc! So this was a pleasant surprise, heh! (Btw please excuse my, uh, *abbreviated* state of dress!! )
  • Thanks for all the kind words ladies! Sorry about the super narcissistic thread, heehee.

    And Mer, your back looks SUPAH sexy!!!! Pshh, even your neck looks skinny. I can't wait to get to MY goal!
  • Meredith, you have a nice back! envious!! j/p.
    you look great.
  • I have also noticed my back fat has been going away! In fact, it's almost gone!
  • holy crappers Meredith!!!!

    Jess, you look fantastic. You've worked so hard and it really shows.