Snacks for really on the run, please read.....

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  • This is kind of long, I am sorry...

    Okay so classes start again in just over a month and I got my schedule finalized today. Needless to say to get the classes I wanted dinner time just isnt going to happen.

    Heres my normal eating pattern. I get up at about 5:15am and take my medication. Then I can't eat for an hour. So I have breakfast at about 6:15 am. Have a snack around 10am, lunch at noon and an snack at 3pm, and dinner at 5:30pm...

    Now next semester all is good for breakfast and lunch, but then I have to leave the house no later than 2:45pm to get up to campus and get settled before my 3:30pm class. So from 3:30p-4:55p I will be in class. I then have 15 minutes to go to my next class, about a 5 minute walk. That class goes from 5:10pm-6:35pm. Then another 5 minute walk to my next class which starts at 6:45pm and goes until 8:10pm.

    So I have all of 10 viable minutes to actually eat something between my first two classes.

    What I am thinking is I can eat a meal at about 2:00pm and move around my snacks a bit. I will definitely be needing some kind of snack between classes 1 and 2. What I need is some portable, not cold, high protein snacks to keep me going until about 9pm when I will finally get back home and then pass out.

    The most important thing I have to avoid is soy, but other then that my doctor is okay with me eating pretty much everything else now.

    Got any ideas for quick, portable snack ideas that can help fend off hunger, snacks that I can preferably eat while walking would be extra beneficial?
  • For me, Ive found that snacking on some nuts-walnuts, peanuts, almonds- whatever, it really fills me up. Someone recommended i do this and i didnt believe them worth a crap. but it really does keep me satisfied. and its a protein and it keeps me alert and going. Sometimes I throw some raisins in with my almonds-DELICIOUS let me tell you! hope that helps
  • I love Lara bars, also nuts, granola, apple, banana, grapes, there's tons of non refrigerated/quickly pop in your mouth options.
  • Probars might work. They are basically a fruit and nut bar, and have 350 calories which would give you the cals you need to get through class. They are yummy.
  • Celery and peanut butter are a fav of mine, along with low-fat cheese sticks (individually wrapped and convenient).
  • Seems like some kind of bar would be a great option. I may even try baking some over the next few weeks, or better yet making something that can be dehydrated (I love my dehydrators)...

    While I love celery and peanut butter and cheese sticks. Those thing I can't see working for this situation, celery and peanut butter would just be too messy, and I dont think im going to have room for my cooler and I am picky about food saftey so cheese sticks are out too.... Two of my favorite snacks...
  • I am running around campus all day too. My favorite snack is one my husband named "student mix" (like trail mix, if you call college sidewalks trails!)--it's a scoop (1/3 c to be exact) of dried berries (no-sugar-added if possible), a 1/4 c scoop of whole roasted lightly salted almonds, and when it's not too hot, 2 Tbsp chocolate chips. That little bit of chocolate goes a long way! One little baggie of it has lots of calories (300-ish) but keeps me going for a couple hours.

    I also like Special K protein bars, although if I eat them too often they do a number on my digestion. Oh, and they're probably soy based. Sorry

    I like Clif bars, too, and they might have soy, but they're more whole-grain based with a bit less protein. They actually taste like food!

    I would go nuts with that food dehydrator! Apple rings, banana chips, etc. Oh, and try dried tomatoes. Chop roma tomatoes in half length-wise, sprinkle with a little salt, and go. They're like candy!

    Finally, apples. Much more resilient in a backpack environment than other fruits.

    Good luck!
  • Quote:
    I would go nuts with that food dehydrator! Apple rings, banana chips, etc. Oh, and try dried tomatoes. Chop roma tomatoes in half length-wise, sprinkle with a little salt, and go. They're like candy!
    I actually have 2 dehydrators and have considered getting a third. My husband LOVES jerky and its far cheaper to make it.

    I love the idea of some home made trail mix, and I could make it so many different ways.

    I think what I need to do is start reviewing some of these bars and seeing what they have in them and making my own, therefore avoiding the soy, but they will be a great jumping off point.
  • my trail mix is almonds, raisins and chocolate chips. YUM
    I like to much on mini shredded wheat.
    How about a thermos of soup in the winter.
    Don't forget your water.
  • Thanks for the great tips everyone.

    I definitely have some plans now for surviving my messed up schedule.

    Now if anyone who would like to do all my work could please step forward I will be all set......

  • I'm in a similar situation as you with school. I work between (8-5) and then have class between (6:00-10:00) which only gives me enough time to eat in my car since the drive to my school is about 45 minutes. I usually like to eat an apple and sometimes I'll have half of a pita with 1 TBSP of all natural reduce fat peanut butter with a big bottle of ice cold water. This is very satisfying.
  • My number one fave to carry in my purse is 15 raw almonds. I cannot believe how they stave off hunger! You can't beat the price and the ease of them either!
  • I used to keep an emergency stash of flax seed in my car during my college commuting years in case of going off the road and not being found for days! Other than that you really do have a lot of options. If you have a little room in your bookbag you can get a hard sided plastic snack case and take pretty much whatever you like. I have pretzels, turkey pepperoni and grapes in mine. Psychologically having the container instead of a bag helps me feel like I'm actually eating not just snacking. I also keep a selection of freezer lunch packs (the thin ones) so that when I'm having more perishable things I can toss one in the box.
  • As far as room in my backpack goes, thats something yet to be determined. Taking 3, 3 unit classes back to back means carrying textbooks for all those classes and my binder so backpack space is at a prime, however I may be able to sneak in a small plastic snack case...Will have to see when I get my textbooks.
  • Baby carrots!!!!