Jillian's radio show on KFI

  • Looks like this might be over. Not much info on this yet, but Jillian wasn't on this past Sunday and the word is that she is done with the show on KFI. JM hasn't released any info on this, so more soon hopefully.
    In the meanwhile, those interested can download all previous shows back to 2006 on mediaplay.
  • Looks like it's over. She made a post here saying she was taking a break, but that usually means the project is over.

    Does anyone know of any new projects she's starting?
  • MAN IM SOOO bummed the show is gone!! yeah the archives on kfi only go back till december im trying to find out where more or all archives are since the show started i think in 2006? if anyone has all of them saved on podcast or downloaded mp3s, please please let me know!! i'd love it if you could email them to me.. i have all the archives downloaded that kfi has available (about 7months worth) on their page. but i cant figure out where to get all the rest i have only now just recently started listening and im dying to hear all the ones i missed. thanks!
  • I seen her post today... I'm bummed too, it was something I looked forward to every week for motivation =(

    She didn't say anything on her last shows about taking a break or ending... so maybe she is taking a break for the summer?
  • Quote: MAN IM SOOO bummed the show is gone!! yeah the archives on kfi only go back till december im trying to find out where more or all archives are since the show started i think in 2006? if anyone has all of them saved on podcast or downloaded mp3s, please please let me know!! i'd love it if you could email them to me.. i have all the archives downloaded that kfi has available (about 7months worth) on their page. but i cant figure out where to get all the rest i have only now just recently started listening and im dying to hear all the ones i missed. thanks!
    I have the shows (mp3 format) from March 2008 through the last one. If you'd like I can burn them onto a DVD/CD and mail them to you.

    I'm not sure when I'll get to it (probably next week) but I can do this for you. If you're interested just PM me your mailing address.
  • I have been trying unsuccessfully to download them on to my hard drive, but I have never done this before and am not winning the war! I got an e-mail from the producer of the show saying anyone who wants to download them had better hurry up as they might not be up on the KFI640.com site for very long.

  • If you right click on the "Listen" icon for the older broadcasts it will download it as an mp3. For the newer ones I think there is a download button that works
  • Yeah I am so shocked and bummed! I look forward to the show every week! Maybe she has something better up her sleeve, like a TV show? I need my Jillian fix for info and added motivation!
  • This website has links for around five or six podcasts from 2008 of Jillian's.

    efit-today com/public/372.cfm
  • Jillian Podcast Downloads
    Mediafly has all the shows going back to 2006.

    How to do it:
    Do a Google search for Mediafly, click on link to Mediafly webpage and type Jillian Michaels in the search field. In the search result, click on KFI Sunday icon, this will take you to all the Sunday shows on KFI. About 1/4 of the page down, there will be a light purple bar that indicates the dates of the shows. Click on the double arrow on the left that will take you as far back as 2006. Scroll to the Jillian shows and click download to download the MP3. Continue to click on the boxes to take you thru the timelines.

    Live long and prespire! May all have a rockin' body, rockin' abs, rockin' arms and much love, peace and happiness.
  • Ack, I meant mediafly. You can DL shows back to September 2006.
  • Thank you so much for that tip! :-) I am so enjoying listening to the podcasts . . . its really cleared my head and just making me focussed on just doing it.
  • Oh man!! I just startred listening to the podcasts a few weeks ago and now they're done?!? That sucks! Hopefully she'll come back at it with something else
  • Quote: Mediafly has all the shows going back to 2006.

    How to do it:
    Do a Google search for Mediafly, click on link to Mediafly webpage and type Jillian Michaels in the search field. In the search result, click on KFI Sunday icon, this will take you to all the Sunday shows on KFI. About 1/4 of the page down, there will be a light purple bar that indicates the dates of the shows. Click on the double arrow on the left that will take you as far back as 2006. Scroll to the Jillian shows and click download to download the MP3. Continue to click on the boxes to take you thru the timelines.

    Live long and prespire! May all have a rockin' body, rockin' abs, rockin' arms and much love, peace and happiness.
    omg! thanks for sharing! this made my day! I think I've only listened to this and last years shows, now I have a bunch to catch up on.
  • Quote: Mediafly has all the shows going back to 2006.

    How to do it:
    Do a Google search for Mediafly, click on link to Mediafly webpage and type Jillian Michaels in the search field. In the search result, click on KFI Sunday icon, this will take you to all the Sunday shows on KFI. About 1/4 of the page down, there will be a light purple bar that indicates the dates of the shows. Click on the double arrow on the left that will take you as far back as 2006. Scroll to the Jillian shows and click download to download the MP3. Continue to click on the boxes to take you thru the timelines.

    Live long and prespire! May all have a rockin' body, rockin' abs, rockin' arms and much love, peace and happiness.
    wow that's totally awesome!! you're a total superstar. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!

    I love Jillian Michaels, and she is such a role model and inspiration for me. and because of her. i have changed so much!!

    To Sync to iTunes go to http://www.mediafly.com/digitallifestyle

    If you are using a Mac click on the green RSS option

    If you are using a PC I suggest the SyncClient application (but you could also use the RSS option)
    i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo happy i can listen to as far back as 2006!! so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm downloading them all so i can put them on my ipod. i listen to her everyday, first thing in the morning and throughout the day! she is awesome!!

    this has totally made my day!