What body type are you?

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  • Just wondering who's got what body type and how that affects your diet/exercise choices & strategies. I'm also interested in what you hate & love about your body! BONUS POINTS for creative names!

    I'm technically an apple, so I may never have washboard abs. However, I do have a defined waist & I also store fat in my thighs. Kind of like a balloon twisted into sections before being shaped into a dog or hat or whatnot. I often complain about my flat butt, but it can be a blessing from time to time. I also like my naturally muscular and defined legs. Being an apple, I definitely hate my stomach because if I'm bloated, I look pregnant

    Can't wait to hear from the rest of you!
  • Apparently im an apple, i always thought i was going to be an hourglass! I still maintain that im more of an hourglass than an apple, but maybe im just a pear
  • I'm a hourglass shape, I suppose. With a short torso. Well, I'm short everywhere. I like that I have a booty and hips, but I hate my stomach. I just want it to be "flat." That doesn't even mean washboard, it just means that when I stand up, I don't want my bellybutton to still cause a crease which separates me. Grrr.
  • I always thought I was a pear, but people tend to say hourglass. It's more hourglass from a head on view, no so much from a side view - I have wide hips but a flat butt. And the upper half look more voluptuous head on that from the side, for some reason.

    So I think of myself as a pearish hourglass. I'd say an hourglassish pear, but that's pretty awkward!
  • i'm a good ol' pear...can gain quite a bit of weight and keep decently flat abs, but i'm all butt, thighs and hips! oh, and small defined waist and small boobs (36 or 34 B)...i envy the slim thighs of you apples! something i fear i'll never have!
  • I'm pretty much a pear, with a 10in difference between my waist and my hips. With cap sleeves and a good bra I can trick ppl into thinking I'm an hourglass, muahahaha.

    I try not to hate my different body parts, but I would like to reduce my muffin top and my thighs...basically I store fat in a tire from my belly button to halfway down my thighs.

    I'm pretty muscular, so I don't really do exercises to "tone up" certain areas, I'm just trying to reduce the fat so you can actually see my muscles. So I do a lot of cardio.
  • Quote: With cap sleeves and a good bra I can trick ppl into thinking I'm an hourglass, muahahaha.
    LOL, that's my trick too! My weight gain helped too - I've lost plenty in the chest with weight loss, but I'm definitely left with more than before I ever gained weight - although, it requires a great bra to be able to tell.
  • I'm 100% apple. I gain all my weight from my waist up. Makes for an ugly stomach, and I'm sure I'll never have a bikini-wearable stomach, but I've learned to accept that. One thing I like about my body is my legs, they are long, muscular, and not fat. What I hate MOST about my body shape is my hips, or I should say lack of hips. I have no hips.
  • luvja - you can have some of my hips! i'd be happy share!
  • When I'm overweight I'm an apple -- all excess weight goes directly to my stomach area!

    When I'm closer to my goal weight, I think they call it a "ruler" body type - straight up and down. This time around I've got a little more muscle, which helps... being a little bigger in my chest and back makes it look like I have a waist, and having big thigh and butt muscles can almost trick you into thinking I have hips. Unfortunately my boobs are disappearing at an alarming rate - I'm still 18 pounds away from my goal and I'm slipping into A-cup range now.
  • I am like a flattened out hourglass because from the front view there are curves but i'm pretty wide but not from the side view. My legs have gotten thinner with my weight loss but they will never be as skinny as an apple's (like my mom, I envy her legs so much).
  • I'm most definitely a pear. My weight gets carried in my bubble bum, round thighs, and hips. I have a short torso, well-defined waist, and small bra size. I have a general thickness about my whole body, but the bulk of my weight is in my bottom.
  • Sorry in advance for the HUGE post, but I always find that i never really fit into the traditional few shapes, so, despite the fact that it's a clothes thing... I always go by this baby:

    I am hands-down a cello body type, always have been.
  • That's a great visual.... thanks. I think I'm hourglass I'm fairly proportional and have a large frame in general but I have a waist.
  • I think that I will always be 'goblet' but in the beginning I was far more apple, or as I called it: beanbag chair.

    No matter what my weight I have huge ta-tas (still DD at 130lbs), broad shoulders and more or less no hips. My legs, however, remain incredibly defined and slim. Yep, middle is definitely the problem area for me. Less so now though! Thankfully. I may never be a true hour glass but maybe I can at least become a champagne flute or something :P