Swimming Helped Me

  • Last year a friend challenged me to swim the length of the English Channel - in just under three months. I thought this was a big ask considering my weight, but we all know how swimming regularly can improve both heart and lungs and not to mention tones the body. With that in mind and with the comfort of the three months I managed to discipline myself as I aimed to meet specific targets I set myself.

    It was not an easy task but with the support of friends and family (who often swam with me) i did it, and was able to raise some money for charity too, just google Aspire Channel Swim to find out more info.

    and i hope more people will gain the health benefits that i have got since i started this swimming challenge last year
  • COngratulations. Way to go!!
  • That sounds really cool, well done.
  • congrats! how many lengths was that?
  • wow, well done! I love swimming. When I started a few months ago I couldnt make it to 20 lengths, now I aim to do 30-40 in the hour Im in the pool every week, which I dont think is too bad, considering my weight. I love it, and have found my muscles getting stronger and my lap times improve every week. I wish I could afford to go more than once a week.
  • i know its so expensive, but lyndzro if you visit your doctor he will measure your height and weight and if your bmi is high you can have a voucher thing to get reduced price swimming, pop in and ask him i did and now i get half off it saves me a packet.